Ban reason:"You are connecting through a datacenter or VPN. For administrative reasons we do not allow VPN connections to play." Length of ban:As long as I have a VPN on Ban Issue: I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh
Events leading to the ban
I connected to the server with a VPN connected , it displayed the ban message.
Reason the ban should be removed
It seems that the firewall of the uni wifi I’m connected to has annoyingly blocked me from acccessing the SS14 servers, hence for me to play, most of the time, I have to connect through a VPN.
If you think you can turn off your VPN, use split tunnel or go back to your old connection, that would already solve things as VPN bans are not tied to your account only a specific set of IPs
If you aren’t using VPN or if you need to use it, please send a private message to the admin team with reasons and evidence so we can give you a VPN exception
I will close this appeal in 2 days if no response, you are welcome to appeal again immediately if that happens