Latest botany mutation guide

as the game updates so do guides.

The Guide

  • Start with left-4-zed let it prime for 1.5 mins per 30u to metabolize so the multipliers actually multiply.

  • Add 25u mutagen for mutation 1 plants 50u for 2 stage mutation plants, (as in it mutates 2 times before achieving its final form IE: spaceman’s trumpets).

  • Then you either wait 30 seconds or add an extra 5 U when adding phalanx and mutagen 1-1 ration to your mutagen.

  • Then add healing such as Vitamin/nutriments or ammonia to offset any chip damage done to your plant.

(Note on ammonia don’t add water to tray because then ammonia turns into space cleaner that does absolutely nothing).

  • Be sure to continuously hoe it and surrounding trays to ensure kudzu doesn’t murder your plants.

Now after a while it should have fruits check seeds if none just clip and then bam you are done.

if you are good, you can mutate multiple plants at once
if so, I recommend-

koi beans, ambrosia deus,

this ensure that chems has chems to make opperoid anti rot agent that brings back rotten bodies as well as several other cryo chems too oh and as well as some Fun byproducts to play with,

so, get mutating and have fun everyone.

~ The Fruit Master.


To add to this, make sure to have cryox on hand, 10u cyrox turns any plant back into its seed form and 2u can make an old wilting plant back to refreshed and good to go allowing your best plants to keep going until your ready to stop. also Cryox is VERY easy for chems to make so is rather easy to source.

Also dont neglect swabs, a death trait or kudzu trait deus can easily have its ominizne trait moved to a different plant allowing you to mass produce ominizine using things like cocoa plants.


Is this how I’ve been getting delivered 60u+ plants from botany that have to grind one at a time, and have 15 different chemicals in them?


So what have you been using the diethylamine for?

diethylamine Faster plant growth and how fast its ready to harvest
and its use to heal and remove weeds though and in turn ensures that its won’t kudzu-iffy

I’ll have to give this a shot. Let me know when you on botany next, I would love to learn from the master.

eh I’m on quite often I’m sure you can just find a good botanist by the plants that they make I’m sure other botanists that have made these kinds of plants they can teach you too.

it of course depends on how you like to do botany. personally i favour a 5u muta apporch, on 2 plants and then swabing 6-50 from cocoa or swabbing omni off the plants onto something i can mass produce.

I’m still majorly unrobust when it comes to botany. Its a real artform.