LeviWPlays - Spam

Discord Username: leviwplays
Ban reason: Spam
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh

Events leading to the ban

My account was hacked it’s that simple. I clicked a shady link (I know), and a week or so later my system was infested. Quickly changed all my passwords and reinstalled windows on the device. I was able to get back into Frontier’s Discord with little issue, talked to checkraze and a few higher ups through a friend. Sadly, I never went through with getting unbanned from the main server.

Reason the ban should be removed

I now use a different password for all my accounts, 2fa, etc. There is no longer a reason to be barred from the server, and in my humble opinion, a permanent ban shouldn’t have been the solution in the first place. A mute? Definitely! Just removing from the server without a ban? Definitely! Even a temp bacon, sure. But a permanent ban because you made a dumb error? A little strange for sure.

Alternate Accounts

Hello, your appeal is accepted.

I should note that we consider that your account is your responsibility. As such if it gets hijacked by a scambot we need to take action to remove it as soon as possible. This includes issuing a ban until it can be confirmed that your account is no longer compromised as scambots may rejoin servers otherwise.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

New → Done

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