Loina - Sticky Ban from VPN

Ban reason: ‘Alternate Account’
Length of ban: Permanent
Events leading to the ban: I’ve heard of SS14 but last time I checked it out I remember it being not that populated, but after I got told it had started to really kick off and with SS13 being largely dead besides RP and CM, I went to go test it out to see if it worked for myself and my friend, however, I found my account was already banned for the reason ‘Alternate Account’
Reason the ban should be removed: I believe the reason I’m banned is that I use a VPN almost religiously (Student in Student halls with Student halls Open Wifi etc…), hence someone else who uses the same service as me getting sticky banned would also then apply to my account when I went to go play

It does look like that’s what happened, I’ve accepted this ban appeal so you should be able to connect now

From Accepted to Ban Appeals