LuisitoKitKat - The ban reason is: "Used the term "diddyfy" in a warops declaration, also said "lets diddyfy them" in relation to the station as a nukie

Username: LuisitoKitKat

Ban reason: The ban reason is: "Used the term "diddyfy" in a warops declaration, also said "lets diddyfy them" in relation to the station as a nukie.
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
What I was banned for is not against the rules

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I just said “get diddyfy” with the war declaration and to my team “let’s diddyfy them”.

Reason the ban should be removed

That word has no meaning to me. Nor is it banned in the server rules.
The admin just banned me for my ban records that i appealed before.
If he took from my bans history a reason to ban me it would not be fair, because the game ban I had from chaplain and I appealed, was because I didn’t know that the messages sent in the bible were sent to the admins.
Also i’ve seen people saying that too.

Alternate Accounts


Also if the word is banned in the server just put it on the rules explicitly.

If you are going to come with that word has a sexual meaning give me the link to the dictionary where it says so.

I find it highly doubtful that you:

  1. Do not know who P Diddy is.
  2. Do not know his current pending criminal trial for sexual crimes, among other things.

If we had a word list for “banned words”, people would skirt them by referencing said words through synonyms and in jokes.

If the word carries no meaning, can you explain your reasoning for referencing it?


I never said I didn’t know who P. Diddy was.
I have known P diddy over the years as an artist who has been accused of killing people.

The sexual charges of which he is now accused only boomed this year and last year.

To which, the word diddyfy to me has no meaning or only the meaning of killing someone.

To which for obvious server rules I would never allude to those diddy sexual charges being a warop.

Hey look what I found.

Exactly. They only boomed this year, when you have started to reference him directly.
And in the last few days you have made enough sexual references when admins were not available that I was able to pull up a list in minutes.
Including directly referencing Diddy’s sexual tendencies.

So you are stating that “Diddyfy” is purely a reference to “Killing someone”.
To what are you claiming you are referencing or implying by calling someone in the logs above “diddy” after commenting about baby oil???


[Yes, you can read that conversation in its entirety, that’s when everyone was talking specifically about that issue in the comms].

Edit: Now I remember, that one time a person said something about buying lube or needing lube, to which I replied that.

Yes, the word “diddyfy” was not mentioned in that conversation you speak of.

I never said that baby oil was related to anything sexual.
I only relate it to the space lube.

And I didn’t necessarily have to initiate that conversation.

To which none of the people involved, nor the person who initiated that conversation was banned.

Edit: I’m talking about another conversation, where on the radio everyone was talking about diddy, baby oil and the word diddyfy.

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If you like you can read all that conversation and ban one by one each person who was involved, if that is your judgment.


So When you initiated it randomly with no prompting in discord a few weeks ago (found just now) should you have been banned there also? For initiating the conversation topic?

As I repeat, no word is banned in the server rules, I also have no knowledge if that conversation about diddy is banned.

There is no rule specifying that we should not talk about cases like diddy’s or any other person like him.

Should I have been banned from discord for that?

Is it bannable to talk about Diddy?

Just as it would be bannable to talk about cases similar to Diddy’s on discord?

If the answer is “no” then your accusation about my message on discord is off topic.

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Again, wordlists get skirted immediately. So a blanket ruling on no sexual content is given.

Your appeal will be processed in the coming days. I think we have enough details now.

Are you telling me that all these people should be banned for this?

and as I told you the conversation you are talking about that was made by comms, I did not initiate it.

It is also ironic that a user named “@testicular_man” is reacting to a ban appeal about alleged “sexual content”. :stuck_out_tongue: