Mace - R-word usage, you have been warned for this behavior previously

Username: Mace

Ban reason: R-word usage, you have been warned for this behavior previously
Length of ban: 5 Days
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: true

Events leading to the ban

During end of round OOC chat someone mentioned that Chloral Hydrate had been changed and no longer put people to sleep. I said something to the effect of bafflement in OOC and then after “That’s r***” in OOC as a response. Someone mentioned the word is banned and I apologized directly after, realizing my mistake.

Reason the ban should be removed

I did not mean to use the word again and understand it is banned. The word simply doesn’t have any baggage attached to it where I am from and is closer to a simile to stupid. I used it on accident and did not mean to break the rules, as evidence by me apologizing directly after using it.

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