Make Robotics its own job

You have everything already setup for it to be, a personal vend, different clothes, and even a different radio (whichs should come with binary personal opinion)

Its annoying having 20 people swarm to it round start

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Personally I don’t care if it’s a job or not, but either way, robotics needs a lot more content before I think it would be suitable to do so

Or it could just be an optional title that the scientist can pick

I mean people already treat it as its own department within sci, I think roboticists should have robotic exclusive items like binary keys

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Added space-station-14

I really think they should add it. First there is a Ion law for borgs saying only roboticists are apart of the crew. Second, i just want the SS13 mechs and adding roboticist would make it more likely for robotics to get more updates.

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Agreed, it makes sense in the same way that Atmospherics is a subdivision of Engineering, Robotics feels like a more advanced and specialized subdivision of Science

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The general opinion of maintainers was that, currently, robotics doesn’t have enough content to warrant being it’s own department. Once there’s more, like mechs, AI, etc. it may be reconsidered but currently that’s the case.

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Yo cool idea for a future robotics update, something like a law mainter or updater that allows you to view the laws on borgs and fix them if they are either emagged or ion stormed.