Ban reason:Said "I hear funny noises in my head" when told not to communciate IC info. ( Something around that) Length of ban:Appeal Only Ban Issue: The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out:false
Events leading to the ban
I got syndicate agent and I was speaking to someone while that happened, Then proceeded to say “I hear funny noises in my head” Instead of the codewords.
Reason the ban should be removed
I understand that what I did can be considered as Meta-Communications as to the previous reasoning I was banned. But I would like to clarify that this is the first time I’ve said something related to that after the prior ban, I said it without thinking about anything else at the time. I apologize for what I’ve done, and I hope I can improve upon myself.
It’s not mentioned in your ban reason, but was brought up in the ahelp you got before being banned and you don’t seem to address it here. Can you comment on your use of an alternate account?
I’m not sure why I spectated on the alternate account, I believe I was looking at the other server I didn’t typically play on which was lizard, and looking at the ghost roles. I usually spectated on this account though.
This has been put to an admin discussion and vote of which we have come to the consensus to issue a voucher requirement for further appeals.
The reasons provided in the discussion for this decision were the following:
Repeated behavior
Metafriending for an advantage
Previous issues.
You may appeal your ban, but only at least 6 months after your last ban, and only with a voucher of good behavior from another SS13/SS14 server.
A voucher of good behavior should be obtained from a well-known or decently active SS13/SS14 server. If it is a mainstream server, we recommend using that server’s admin-help to ask for a voucher from one of the administrators explaining that you are trying to appeal a ban on SS14’s Wizard’s Den and want to show you have been a problem-free player during your playtime on the server. A voucher should be indicative of at least a few months of play. If the voucher is not from a mainstream server, let us know and we will figure out a way to verify it.
Appeal Denied - Voucher must be provided on any future re-appeal.