Username: MangoOverload
Ban reason: "Said" "I hear funny voices in my head" to a metafriend to imply they rolled antag. Past history of being warned not to try to circumvent IC Info/Metacommunciations"
Length of ban: Appeal only, Voucher
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
I was playing a normal round, talking with said metafriend, when I rolled syndicate agent, when i said “I hear funny voices in my head” to them, turns out they were also a syndicate.
Afterwards we paired up.
Aforemention’d alternative account that was not shown on the ban reasoning aswell
Reason the ban should be removed
I understand the reasoning behind the ban, and it is completely my fault this occured.
While I do have a bad past on wizard’s den for multiple reasons, inside of my notes I believe I have grown since these 6 months have passed as a player, and a person.
I did not think what I did during that round would be any bad. I did not do anything like that until this ban and the one prior.
I understand you may be hesitant to allow me back into the Wizard’s den community but I can prove I can stay without any further issues.
Onto the reasoning of my alternative account, mentioned on my other ban appeal
I was getting bored, not much else content to do so I decided to use that account as a way to “train from Internship all the way up” and “To unlock new roles again” Which I now see as stupid.
I will never make another account to do that again, I have not tried to evade with said account either.
I promise such incidents won’t occur if I was given another chance. I am sorry for breaking your trust in me from my other appeal and I promise I will try my absolute hardest to be a “model citizen” and following the rules.
Alternate Accounts