Maxcap usage against nukies with an armed nuke.

This has been a recurring issue on Lev due to certain atmos techs always making maxcaps when ever war is announced or when stealth ops are discovered. I know the rule is generally maxcaps are not allowed for nonantags as they are akin to mass sabatoge of your own station, however, when the situation is truly dire (armed nuke) most things are allowed (even suicide bombing). My question is the creation of the maxcap is always a “just in case” which is explicitly against the rules for nonantags. There is simply not enough time to create a maxcap and move said maxcap in range once the nuke armed so would not the creation of a maxcap by any nonantag always be against the rules? 

2 hours ago, Dex_Morgan said:

This has been a recurring issue on Lev due to certain atmos techs always making maxcaps when ever war is announced or when stealth ops are discovered. I know the rule is generally maxcaps are not allowed for nonantags as they are akin to mass sabatoge of your own station, however, when the situation is truly dire (armed nuke) most things are allowed (even suicide bombing). My question is the creation of the maxcap is always a “just in case” which is explicitly against the rules for nonantags. There is simply not enough time to create a maxcap and move said maxcap in range once the nuke armed so would not the creation of a maxcap by any nonantag always be against the rules? 

features allow you to make a maxcap which works like a grenade, but ye, I was banned for creating a maxcap for education purposes (it was used in space only without damaging much), I got self antag and power gaming rule break.

Let’s see the self antag rule:
Intentionally making yourself a major problem/annoyance/disruption for the crew or other players at large while not an antagonist is forbidden (referred to as “self-antagging”). Much of the behavior in this rule is an in-character issue that Security should deal with appropriately, but it becomes self-antagonism when it begins to degrade the station at large or cause a significant issue, or is simply done for no purpose other than to be annoying.

  1. This is a catch-all that encompasses a wide range of annoying and disruptive behavior. Smashing lights, destroying infrastructure and furniture, cutting power, spacing rooms, attacking random people unprovoked, handing out all-access, stealing high-risk items for no purpose (ex: nuclear authentication disk, captain’s ID), or otherwise reducing the quality of life on the station are all things that can be referred to as self-antagonism.

Overall, it says that you are not allowed to sabotage station procedures as a nonantag. Let’s see what I have done:
Made a maxcap, explained how it works to other atmoses and an engineer, blew it up in space without hurting station at all. Where did I sabotage station procedures? Unknown.

Now let’s see the power gaming rule:
Don’t rush for or prepare equipment unrelated to your job for no purpose other than to have it “just in case” or to make it “for the end round” (referred to as “powergaming”). 

We will take a look at this specific point:

  1. Don’t manufacture weapons, bombs, death poisons, or anything similar before you know of any threats to the station or any reason you would need them. Making things “for the end of the round” when the shuttle docks with Central Command is also forbidden.

This point is quite controversial, but as it basically describes, without any known threats or a valid reason you can’t manufacture dangerous facilities. In my case I had a valid reason, teaching people how to make it and I didn’t use it against antags that round. Plus I didn’t harm the station majorly and there was no trouble with that.

Uh, ok…this isn’t about any single person, I do not care about your specific ban. I know from being a nukie (as well as crew) that having the round just end due to a random explosion (not the nuke) feels terrible. As I asked the creation of a maxcap takes a certain amount of time and the situation where a maxcap is allowed only lasts like 300ish seconds (not enough time to make one) meaning in my mind maxcaps by nonantags are always against the rules. 

9 hours ago, Dex_Morgan said:

Uh, ok…this isn’t about any single person, I do not care about your specific ban. I know from being a nukie (as well as crew) that having the round just end due to a random explosion (not the nuke) feels terrible. As I asked the creation of a maxcap takes a certain amount of time and the situation where a maxcap is allowed only lasts like 300ish seconds (not enough time to make one) meaning in my mind maxcaps by nonantags are always against the rules. 

Atmoses are allowed to make a maxcap roundstart if you announce war, but it can be used in case you surround atmos or arm the nuke

The above rule clarification explains in full.

Maxcapping is NOT allowed, as you are effectively doing their job for them.
So preperation time is a nonissue as it shouldn’t be done in the first place.

There is already a rules clarification that specifies that the use of MaxCaps is not allowed by Crew.