Ban reason: “Self antag shooting up hallway then left when questioned on aHelp”
Length of ban: Forever
Events leading to the ban: I was roleplay with peoplle in the section for technicians. They stard to drop guns on the floor and I take one. Then some shooting happends and I thinked there was fighting. I shoot the person that I thinked was the agresor. Then I get message on aHelp by moderator. I dont speaking good english so its hard to me to understant. It was very late for me so I haved to go soon. Moderator asking me and I thinked he wanted me to say sorry, I said sorry but then had to leave because its late. Now I understand he was asked me why I shot. It was a missunderstanting. I trying learning better english from this game.
Reason the ban should be removed: [I thinking the ban should get removed because I didnt understant what moderator was asking me, now I understand and know. I also thinked someone was trying to kill randomly so I tried to kill him. Now I understand I read the situation wrongly and think I deserve second chance. Im new to the game so im just learning the roles and roleplay.
I will be placing this to a vote amongst the administration team.
A quick note for you.
Your ban is related to the specific act of leaving during an ongoing Admin Conversation with you.
In the future, you should ask the admin if you are free to disconect to avoid this type of ban.
Due to your attempt to evade your ban, you are banned indefinitely. You may appeal your ban, but only at least 6 months after your last ban evasion attempt, and only with a voucher of good behavior from another SS13/SS14 server.
A voucher of good behavior should be obtained from a well-known or decently active SS13/SS14 server. If it is a mainstream server, we recommend using that server’s admin-help to ask for a voucher from one of the administrators explaining that you are trying to appeal a ban on SS14’s Wizard’s Den and want to show you have been a problem-free player during your playtime on the server. A voucher should be indicative of at least a few months of play. If the voucher is not from a mainstream server, let us know and we will figure out a way to verify it.
From Rejected to Ban Appeals