Arrivals area is specifically protected by server rules, yet the meteor event will with near certainty target the arrivals area every single round. This can result in destroyed docking ports and blocked docking area.
Meteors in general are a punitive event with no counterplay besides repetitive busywork, nothing new is created by fixing the problems it presents, only patching up holes so the round is playable. Antagonists being spawned by events are a much better way to grind a round to an end than making people fight windmills.
Yeah, I agree. Engineering work should be more proactive, not reactive in my point of view. You should be able to improve the station instead of having to fix it all the time. While the same thing happens due to antagonist activity (bombs or other kinds of sabotage), in that case it is part of the story the players create for that round. Having them as a random event is ok for me, but it should be much rarer similar to the immovable rod and not the main part of the engineering gameplay.
I do agree though that meteors should be toned down in both occurrence and a delayed initial occurrence.
Getting a 10 minute medium meteor strike is an “oh fuck all of engi to science to fix the spacing” instead of an “oi Technical Assistant, lets teach you how to fix spacing”
Yeah, Emo did mention that they intended to eventually add some sort of meteor shielding from 13. But they’ve yet to be added and the meteors are a continued pain, even with the nerfs. I wish they’d be removed until we had a way to properly shield against them. It does feel like crap right now to be engi or atmos because of meteors.