Discord Username:Mike_gis Ban reason:"Reacting with ZOV on one of the Wizard's Den announcements." Ban Issue: I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh
Events leading to the ban
The event described in ban reason happened a few weeks ago, as I definitely did not do that recently. I do not remember all details as due to fact that ban happened after a pretty decently long enough time after I did so. I believe I just saw someone else make the same reaction on an announcement so I did the same, supposedly. After a long enough time for me to forget about that I was banned.
Reason the ban should be removed
I believe banning a person immediately without hesitation for such a small reason seems very harsh and not fair to me. Due to presence a whole Russian category, especially, I had no knowledge that mentioning the pro-Russian was against the rules, and in that case immediately banning someone seems unreasonable to me. I believe I should just been warned about that and not to do that (And I would), because especially of the fact I do not remember any rules mentioning that this is not allowed. Tldr: I believe it’s an uncommon rule in servers in general and banning someone immediately for such a small action seems unfair, it should been a mute or a warning instead.
ZOV is a call sign between Russian groups who are in support for the invasion of Ukraine. It’s a serious issue when someone decides to place it in any form. We’ve had multiple raiders both in-game and out use it as a call sign as well. It is far from being a small action.
The other people who have reacted the same as you have also been dealt with and this will be put up as a vote for other moderators.
Yet I am not a raider and there wasn’t any clear sign showing that such action is illegal, immidate ban seems completely unreasonable to me. The moderation team has failed to take any action for multiple weeks, and nowhere it is stated that saying such word is a rulebreak, meaning people who reacted it likely did not knew that is it against the rules (like myself). If it is against the rules, banning people who did not do any raiding action immediately without a real justification (once again, rules lack that it is illegal to say that word), it seems that you just have banned people because they have a different political opinion.
You should unban people who did so and mention the rule about the word in the rules.
It was only missed because no one checked, people make mistakes. Also never claimed you were a raider, only stating that people use it as a call sign for multiple reasons.
It is also part of one of our rules. Not everything needs to be specific for people to understand. Be civil. No harassment or offensive/abusive/hate speech content.
It also has nothing to do with political opinion. If the opposite side did the same thing with their own call out, we’d shut it down as well.
Since you’re deciding to double down instead of understanding why it’s wrong, along the vote of the moderation team, this appeal will be rejected.
Please wait two weeks before putting another appeal