Morle - Whitelist Application

Username: morle
Character: Lydia Schofield
Character Race: Human

Character Description

Lydia was born on a nanotreson industrial world to two humans. Her early years where dominated by education under NT seeing as they where the defacto rulers of this industrial planet. When she reached the age of 7 her father died in a industrial accedent and her mother decendet into rampent alcoholisem, the reason why Lydia is against alcohol consumption. At this point the was adopted by a pair of moths.These moths where working in the planets engeneering department and insisted on a hands on approach to learn in addition to her broad school knowlage.This lead her to spend large parts of her free time in the maintenence areas and on construction sites of this planet. But as Lydia reached her teens did a new interest start to peak her interest space and the instalations within,requiring certifications for working abord NT space stations.The exams where rather difficult and it wass clear Lydia had a talent in engeneering but did decently enought in the other subjects to pass the exams.

Proof of Playtime on other servers

Added whitelist-rejected and removed whitelist-pending

Your backstory is too low effort. We require backstories to be well-written and thought out. Please take time to improve your backstory and re-apply in two weeks.

can I get a bit more feedback than just low effort, seeing as I am unable to go into more details of said backstory as there was a letter limit of 1000.So I needed to severely shorten things(and sorry for spelling mistakes as I probably missed a ton). Just want to know how I can improve thanks in advance.

I see this question has already been answered on discord, so i’ll just echo that answer here. It boils down to the grammar and spelling mistakes made in your application, and how much better it seems to be in game as seen with chat logs.