Mortifear - Substation destruction

Mortifear - Substation destruction

SS14 account username: Mortifear
Ban reason: Destroying substation
Date of ban: 5/2/2023
Length of ban: Appeal
Events leading to the ban: Destroyed substation
Reason the ban should be removed: I have no idea how computer/machine mechanics work in this game so I decided to try and learn because they seem interesting. The wiki is a bit confusing on how these parts are obtained/what needs to be researched, and asking players via ooc ingame is always a troll. So logically I went about collecting parts that I figured I needed for such an endeavor so I went into the maintenance tunnels and disassembled the first large machine/computer object (substation) and found various boards, capacitors, wires. It was a stupid way to go about it and I do apologize for that, from my understanding, my ban was not going to be an appeal ban but since it’s the 3rd in 6 months, it was elevated to an appeal. My other two being, stabbing someone with a syringe and mentioning Cargonia. I understand that my actions were certainly bannable but an appeal ban seems a bit harsh considering my previous offences. I will take measures in the future to ensure that my creative flow is less disruptive to the rest of the station, and I apologize for such short sighted actions.


It looks like you complained about people stealing substations after being the one who actually tampered with the substation?


It also looks like you tampered with a medical substation about 6 hours before the round you were banned during.

I wanted parts to experiment and it was frowned upon by engineers on the station so I deflected. I genuinely enjoy tinkering with the more complex systems in this game but there doesn’t seem to be an outlet to express that outside of dismembering things. I understand the importance of such infrastructure and will refrain from experimenting in this sort of way as a non-antagonist in the future.

Why were you complaining about the substations being tampered with despite being the one who tampered with them? Also what was the point of moving the medical substation in the earlier round? You don’t appear to have done anything with it that could be described as tinkering.

  • Why were you complaining about the substations being tampered with despite being the one who tampered with them? 

 - As I said before, I was complaining because I wanted parts to experiment and it was frowned upon by engineers on the station so I deflected. 

  • Also what was the point of moving the medical substation in the earlier round? You don’t appear to have done anything with it that could be described as tinkering.

  • I was thinking about diving into the mechanics of machines/computers but decided to hold off until later.

I genuinely enjoy tinkering with the more complex systems in this game but there doesn’t seem to be an outlet to express that outside of dismembering things. I understand the importance of such infrastructure and will refrain from experimenting in this sort of way as a non-antagonist in the future.

6 hours ago, Mortifear said:

  • Why were you complaining about the substations being tampered with despite being the one who tampered with them? 

 - As I said before, I was complaining because I wanted parts to experiment and it was frowned upon by engineers on the station so I deflected. 

I’m not sure I’m understanding your explanation for why you complained about yourself tampering with the substations. Are you saying that after tampering with the substation, you made the comments “tele substation gone”, “mfs took the radio substation”, “Mfs stealin substations”, and “Might be stolen substation”, some of which were in deadchat, with the knowledge that it was gone and you were responsible that? Are you trying to say that you defected from the station because engineers frowned upon you tampering with substations?

6 hours ago, Mortifear said:

  • Also what was the point of moving the medical substation in the earlier round? You don’t appear to have done anything with it that could be described as tinkering.

  • I was thinking about diving into the mechanics of machines/computers but decided to hold off until later.

So why didn’t you put the substation back where you found it? It looks like you moved it somewhere else and anchored it there instead.

No, deflected in the sense that I didn’t want the blame for removing them, like I said in the last 2 posts. 

And I just left it because I don’t know how the substations work, so I just anchored it back.

Alright, thank you for your responses. Your appeal will be discussed internally and you should get an update within the next few days.

The admin team has decided to not accept this appeal. You can appeal again after at least 2 weeks. There are concerns that, despite your fairly significant playtime, you had little to no regard for how your actions would affect other players in the round. In at least two instances you tampered with the power of large and important areas of the station. While you may not have known the mechanics of machines and computers, it is difficult to view this situation as one where you did not know you’d be causing power issues for large areas of the station.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals