Ban reason: erp/sexual comments self antag rdm
Length of ban: untill appeal
Events leading to the ban: I got sec. HoS was being a ass I jokingly ask cap if I could get “sloppy toppy” as a joke. get demoted then run around and steal id’s as a passenger then was able to get some revie’s killed. next round spawn as a greytide so as all greytides do we do a lil trolling and I ran around stealing and hacking doors for some things. ran around saying “help sec touched my booty” and “I do not consent” got a gun and knife got arrested. try to decon a wall got arrested. was talking to psychyitryst. Pulled a gun on him and blasted him. then exploded?? told I was banned and was wondering what the hell for.
Reason the ban should be removed: it has been 6 months like yall said I request a unban I have matured and would love to re-enter tis community again. I no longer have a issue with this ban as I did need to mature at that time
couldn’t figure out the appeal system MB
From Off-Topic to Game Servers
Added appeal-rejected, appeal-server-ban
Please use the appeal wizard
yeah I did didn’t know about it
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