[MRP and HRP amendment] Does waiting intentionally for the evac shuttle to be called/arrive to complete your objectives ,consindered LRP behaviour?

let’s start with a poll:

  • waiting for the shuttle to arrive is a smart and strategic way to do your objectives in higher roleplay servers
  • waiting for the shuttle to arrive is consindered lame LRP behaviour and skips/removes all the good roleplay experience that everyone evolved could had
0 voters

in many MRP servers, I have seen many antagonists mostly syndicate agents and thieves who deliberately wait and do nothing for the sole purpose of waiting for the emergency evacuation shuttle to be called or arrive in order to start doing/complete their objectives so they can dodge all the security and difficulty that involves when doing them and thus make the game easier the method also acts as a double edge sword, not only it makes objectives easier, it also improves the OOC experience of the victim players (who need to be killed) since they don’t have to wait a long time to respawn. now my experience with this is bad due to the command ignoring me if I die but I will discuss this in a feedback thread. But I complain for a different reason, and that is that when I choose an MRP and a higher roleplay experience, I also want a better roleplay experience overall not just another LRP server with a different tag on it. also in my personal opinion intentionally waiting for the shuttle to arrive as an antagonist skips all the great experiences that could be done for every party evolved, there is a different outcome if you act now and do not wait to kill someone, you get caught from detective then captain does a trial and decides to execute or perma brig you, you discuss good old life with your fellow prisoners etc… in the different outcome scenario you either 1. manage to do your kill without getting seen and run to the shuttle, easy peasy, no security or detective involved to find out the murderer. 2 someone or security officer sees you and arrests you, you are perma brigged due to murder/prevention of revival space law and just getting escorted inside the shuttle to the central command, no trial, no prison life and facing your consequences, just wait for the round to end and try and see if this work, seems like a low role play behaviour to me. what do you think? should antagonists act in the middle of the round as they should, or they should reserve anything for just that last few minutes when the shuttle gets called, tell me your thoughts

As frustrating as shuttle bombing is, it’s not like it can be entirely avoided. There’s times where you probably can’t avoid trying to kill somebody with a bomb on the shuttle. But even for LRP it’s lame.

But an argument even I could agree with is that it’s fun or funny to do every so often. Which I think is fair, especially if you already have greentext but plenty of TC left over to just fuck around.

I wish there were some/most objectives that could only be completed before evac to discourage random bombings opposed to outright banning it or disallowing it.

Its not lame LRP imo, its lame period. If LRP is supposed to be more action focused then how less action can be considered LRP behavior? :godo:

Its just a little of bit green on the end screen, do not take antag if you gonna let round turn into extended whole time except for evac to bomb. Miros is availible all the time for everyone that wants extended sleepy rounds, Vulture some of the time too.

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the issue is that antagonists don’t act at all in the round (they pretend to be normal) and they keep all the action for the end intentionally for the sake of difficulty. for more disruptive antagonists like nukies and dragons it’s fine but sitting in a round as a traitor and not acting up, not until a bad event as it can be exploited but just to wait for that few last minutes of the round where no roleplay can occur without any antagonizing activity occurring beforehand ruins the overall experience of the SS14 and make it more like a station simulation in contacts to the disaster simulator it was advertised to be

just to add up this issue affects the security department the worst as without any events/incidents from the antagonist, rounds are getting boring as fuck for security-playing players, they spend the majority of the round walking around the station for something to occur that will never occur until the end of the round and when the round finally ends security doesn’t have adequate time (due to shuttle leaving soon) to resolve the situation that just occurred. making security a chore and unfun to play as at MRP

Maybe syndies need high discounts early but with inflation over time that scales with how long agent been active so after 30-60mins you basically spent your TCs on doing nothing instead of actual gear? :thinking:

There could be exceptions to this like surplus boxes, cause good luck dropping a surplus without everyone else looting it on evac. :godo: