Username: MSMarvin
Ban reason: Said the R slur, please reread the rules carefuly and apply on the forums." This ban will only be removed via appeal. You can appeal at
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
I used the R slur in character while cussing out some security officer. I was not aware that the word was considered a rule offense, because if I did, I wouldn’t have knowingly sent it.
Shortly after I got an admin message. This is a rough transcription of our logs though its probably not exact. You guys probably have the actual convo but it should look something like this.
admin: “Did you say the R slur?”
“my bad”
“i didnt know it was against the rules”
*admin proceeds to smite me ingame on the spot, turning me to a pile of ash
“oh wow”
“You said the R slur, appeal to our forums. Goodbye”
*i was then banned before i could say anything back
Reason the ban should be removed
I agree with being warned for something like that even if it was without my knowledge that the word was a rule breakage. A warning would be a fair punishment for not going over the part of the rules that would have imbued me with the knowledge that the R slur is not allowed.
But I was just indefinitely banned on the spot.
I checked Wizard’s Den Banning Policies according to this site.
There is a chart there that shows that the first offense of saying the R slur should have been a warning. Please correct me if i’m looking at the wrong table or interpreting it wrong but according to this, it would have been an unfair escalation to game ban me on the spot for what I did even when I was willing to admit to my mistake and not repeat it again, as I am right now.