this is just sad
all of the admins are volunteers. be patient.
iv been patient FOR WEEKS i shouldnt need to wait this long
it says the appeal was open for just 10 days tho
unless im seeing something wrong, whatchu mean weeks
Yeah, like I get it might be frustrating, but you need to wait, in due time it will be checked, like for example mine, it took 30 days for an admin to take it, and another two weeks before it got accepted, just be patient.
10 days is nearly 2 weaks isnt it?
yes 10 days is almost 14 days, but thats not the point, these admins are just guys that probably work and have fun, they are not required to appeal us, its our own fault we messed up, unless of course there was a mix up, but still these admins take our appeals during their free time, which as one admin stated:
So we should be patient and just wait.
Iv been waiting 30 days
Okay, that’s lot, but it is what it is, my ban is a whole two months so yeah, just got to wait it out.
I mean they wouldn’t have so many ban appeals if they just issued out 24 hour temp bans for minor offenses. Their knee jerk reaction to almost every infraction is a perma that requires an appeal. They only have themselves to blame. And who cares if they are skipping on doing things they like. They chose to volunteer. Ban Appeals is part of the job they volunteered for. If they can’t do it they shouldn’t have volunteered.
I agree on the first part, it is true that sometimes they over react, like all I did was stuncuff cap, steal AA to announce and I got a perma, while I saw a couple people RDM, self antag, being a dick, and they got like idk from 20000min to 72000min [13days to 50days], so on that sense I agree, they might want to just give like week or month bans, not perma instantly.
No for sure, All I’m saying for the second part is If you were to volunteer at like an animal shelters you would yes, be hanging out with some animals and get to play with them help feed them maybe, but someone’s gotta clean up the shit too. Its the give and take of the process. You don’t just get to stick around for the fun parts and bail on the not so fun parts. Well, I guess you could but that screams disingenuous and calls into question ones integrity and motives. Personally I don’t think moderating, especially when it comes to ban appeals should be volunteered work. The only people who would really want to do it voluntarily are probably looking for a power trip no matter how small or short the trip is.
I called an admin a bitch and got perms banmed
Ah, sounds like used Chat GPT to decide your ban.
Both of you have votes that are currently being processed, we are very behind and we apologize, but we are trying to churn thru appeals. Unfortunatly due to being upstream we have a lot more appeals that come through every week that we need to deal with.
I mean you could just create a program that summarizes the appeal then automatically turn it into a vote
A program can’t just make a summary. Depending on the appeal a lot of information will need to be investigated. And throwing all that into an automated program/LLM will create more issues then it solves
Edit: Also, if we were to use an LLM (Im not sure how you would “summarize” and automaticly investigate without one). It may lead to false negatives and positives due to the tendency of LLM’s to hallucinate thus either needing an admin to manually investigate anyway or letting actual troublemakers back in the game. Let alone how much it would cost to get an LLM api key/the processing power needed to self host one.
Create a bot that can go in other discord servers that searches for anything the said baned user had done or has said then scan for keywords and if those keywords are spotted then add it To the summary
Then again you could just do a joint effort with all other servers to create a mutual system to log all events or infractions to give better judgement on their activity during their ban