My Goobstation botany gameplay/Reference for new players

Here a round of me playing botany as a heretic (my first time too) in goob station if you want a better idea of my skill level is, i think growing killer tomatoes in the end is a good showcase of my abilities even though i failed to raise the tomato army to then kill my targets with them (also because its fun)

also, in the mid point there changed my mind at mid-way there from growing it in maintenance to just growing it in botany because I’m too lazy to move all my chemicals

Botany goob station ss14.mp4 - Google Drive

after I critted
the rest of the round is just someone trying to teach me how to play heretic it was a funny round though there was a singuloose but it had nothing to do with botany, so I cut it out

I also want to compare my game play with another if possible, so I have a better idea what needs improve for botany.

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There fixed
oh yeah you can also copy my techniques if you wish in the video
the amount of chems is use per plant is 25 for all chems and 30 for L4Z in the beginning if the resolution is too low to see

or if you are too lazy to count to 30 seconds do 25Muta 30Phal 30dylo Immediately because I also realized that this gameplay maybe useful to newer players who are trying to mutate