The examine text with flash instead of display. I can’t read the text because of this. I have to relog into the server to fix this issue.
Does anyone else have this problem or is this some kind of problem on my end? I am running AVG, but don’t have any other issues with the game.
just examine something like a wall first
i have no idea what causes it but you dont need to relog
53 minutes ago, deltanedas said:
just examine something like a wall first
i have no idea what causes it but you dont need to relog
Unfortunately this didn’t work, I’ve tried examining everything
Have you tried examining something on the ground with shift + click instead of using the context menu?
Happens to me sometimes too, doing a quick reconnect fixes it. Im unable to find a way to reproduce it though
3 hours ago, Chief_Engineer said:
Have you tried examining something on the ground with shift + click instead of using the context menu?
I’ll lyk when I fs try this but I’m pretty sure I’ve tried that
oh yeah i forgot to mention that, gotta use the hotkey not verb then it works fine
Yup! That’s seems to work, how odd!
ya, I have no clue what causes it or why that fixes it but it’s been an issue since I started playing