In-game Username:
Discord username:
Characters you play:
How long have you been playing SS13 or SS14?
On 13, probably around 50 hours all together. I have almost 200 on 14.
How many hours are you available per day:
I’m available pretty openly most hours of the day (9am-9pm EST)
Days you are available on:
Prior administration experience (SS13 experience recommended). Please also post a way for us to verify this:
I don’t have any major administration experience, but I have mediated in-game arguments before if that helps. Hoping for this to be my first one.
Have you been banned from our game servers or SS13 servers before?
Proud to say no.
This is the more essay-y part of the application, you should answer the following questions in detail, so we can get a better idea of how you’d approach adminning.
What role do you think game admins serve on our servers?
Admins function as the artificial boundaries of the game, and work to steer the round in a certain direction while keeping it fresh and fun. In a game like SS14, where creativity is king, its hard to get everyone going on the same path as one another without making someone mad. Admins are there in case the Captain decides to abandon the station and create their own private shuttle and they need a little bwoink to be reminded of their job. Admins are there in case Security gets uppity and decides clown burgers are the go-to food item and need someone to tell them to calm down with the bloodlust. And above all, Admins are there to make sure everyone is having fun. Nobody likes it when a traitor spaces the entire bar for no good reason. It’s no fun.
How do you feel about the current roleplay status on the server?
While LRP can be predictably chaotic, it also leads to interesting interactions among crew and especially heads of staff. Some people know a lot, some know a little, and the interactions between these 2 strata are incredible to watch unfold. I’ve seen people demonstrate entire department roles simply because it’s someone’s first time. I know that I myself have taught several newcomers. And it always blossoms into something great since new players aren’t confined by metagaming or powergaming, and they resort to simple roleplay. They come in with the attitude that anything can happen, and they make it happen. Entire Dungeons and Dragons campaigns unfold, animal farms are started, oddly satanic joke cults are created. All sorts of ideas eb and flow into the game that previously were just seen as wastes of time by more experienced people that couldn’t care less.
Why do you want to become an administrator for SS14?
I want to become an administrator mostly because this game and its predecessor have really helped me when it comes to interacting with people and complex mechanics I never thought possible. It will always have a special place in my heart, and when I see moments when shitters are ruining rounds or ahelps are going unanswered it just sits with me the wrong way. I want to get involved with the game and help it become something better than it already is. I’ve seen my fair share of bigotry, harassment, and overall hostility and I want to work to get rid of these elements ruining the atmosphere of the experience.