[ No idea who banned me, just got pop up in game] - Scruffy

SS14 account: WhateverWorks

Byond account: N/A

Character name: Scruffy

When was the ban: I didnt play for two days and this happens

Server you were playing on when banned: Wizard Den Lizard [US WEST] 

Your side of the story: I was banned for N word? Peptide knows about my situation propablly, my pAI was spitting slurs, clown picked my pAI after I died and was accused of this as well, so i SUPPOSE somebody just saw in logs ,scruffy pAI" and banned me. I NEVER used such wording, dudes, come on I play clean 

Why you think you should be unbanned: well I was playing for months now, players like Keira Cox, Zor Dislo, Talon Mccendrick can vouch for me, I know every class, I always report abuse, and generally stay out of trouble. I go to work for two days, come back, and im permabanned for hard words? 

Why should you get this opportunity
Because I deeply believe, this ban is either a misunderstanding or total bullshit, to be  honest.

Was your ban unfair?: Hell yes it was, I have no idea what happened, last thing i did i tried to defed some clown who got my loudmouth pAI from getting banned, peptide thanked me, two days go by, and now im banned 4 life? Pls

Anything else we should know: Just that i have no god damn idea what happened, when it supposedly happened and what is going on. If you have logs i would LOVE to see them, otherwise PLEASE get peptide to see this

Also maybe its just me, but recent ban appeals are all about suppose N word abuse - i find it hard to believe that all of the sudden all playerbase just turned ghetto mode in span of 2 days? What is goin on?

I saw u in some matches a month ago and never heard anything negative from you tbh.

I’m not sure if I am the responsible for getting people banned for racial slurs, but once I said “I’m gonna say the n word” in the chat, everyone was like “say it lol” and some people actually did say it along with me lmao, i’m still waiting to be unbanned tho

Nobody is responsible but themselves. We recently went through our chatlogs and banned anyone caught saying it.

You included.



you know i was spelling Ginger and misspeled as i dont look on my keyboard while typing right?

So yeah, if you still think typo while playing a game when you have to type fast while running and batoning guys orders a forever ban to helpfull player, please just close/reject the appeal so i can create a new one because i still think this is bullshit

That looks way too much like an actual slang to be a typo.
Also, the context *around* said log makes it look a lot like you were not doing anything intense at all.
Come back when you’re ready to own up to it instead of lie.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals

From Rejected to Ban Appeals