Notes stay across rounds please

I know I could just take notes outside the game but we have the notekeeper in our PDA. I would spend a while as chemist writing recipes and notes and only for it to be wiped out the next round.

I think I’d disagree with that. The PDA is an In-Character device, and having it store what’s essentially OOC data seems counterintuitive to me. I’d stick to OOC note storage solutions like notepad or the steam overlay notes for now, the latter of which is heaps more convenient anyways.

think of it this way. You go to work, you write notes on sticky-papers for what ever you are doing at your current shift. And then you go home and come back to continue where you left off.

Or maybe instead of it being called note-keeper it can be used as sticky-notes or something.

or maybe there can be two versions of the note-keeper with different names, one for across shifts and the other for IC like you said

This may be an interesting feature for HRP servers to look into. But I personally believe such feature will not be very beneficial to most servers, if it were to be added only you would be able to see your own notes on your PDA and no one else (unlike how the notekeeper app currently works) (I personally have concerns with having such notes be exchanged between rounds and between characters while still visible in game.)

Which at that point you are better off using your computers built in notepad or the steam overlay which can show a notepad over your game. Which is probably also more powerful then anything that could be implemented ingame.