OPEX_1822 - Killed Caps fox for no reason, called admin an idiot in ahelp

Ban reason: Killed cap for no reason. Called admin an idiot who wrote to me about it in ahelp.
Length of ban: forever
Events leading to the ban: So I was playing mime and decided to kill caps fox for fun. I wanted to show him tele crystals that i would get from it. After i killed it admin wrote to me and killed me. I was furious called him an idiot and left the game.
Reason the ban should be removed: Well i Guess the main reason is not that I killed the fox but that i called admin an idiot. I apologize i usually dont like it, maybe was a bad day.

you know what forget it i dont want to play with such pitiful admins anyway bye

TIL pitiful is when you don’t like being called an idiot

Hello! Ahelping Admin here. I ahelped you after I saw you murdering Renault in your mime room as a non-antag, upon which I messaged you. Ahelp for clarity below.


I was ready to let you walk with a warning, but I do not like being insulted in my free time. Every single person who works on this project is an unpaid volunteer working out of their own volition, as a hobby. And I do not know what you like to do in your free time, but I’d like to not be insulted.

14 hours ago, OPEX_1822 said:

you know what forget it i dont want to play with such pitiful admins anyway bye

I’m going to take your follow up comment as you do not wish to proceed with the appeal I will close this now.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals