Username: peanutto
Character: Theodore Maximus
Character Race: Human
Character Description
Theodore Maximus is a 5’11" humanoid with a slightly chaotic-good, chaotic-neutral type of living. He came from some other place to abandon it- To join the arms of Nanotrasen’s loving workforce. He didn’t come for money, or for some overtly large dream. He just came to distract himself and to make himself content with life, or just to be happy. Sure- he’s got money, due to his shares in Interdyne Pharmaceuticals(got in an ic event) but that doesn’t mean he’s gonna not work. Because, when he does work, he often puts his LIFE on the line just to maximize productivity. Maybe a hint to his last name, or just a sheer part of dedication to the job? Either way- he’s a damn good scientist OR salvager. Just don’t ask him about engineering. He doesn’t like that. He will, but… He just doesn’t like damage control, really. Either way- He’s here to get shit done, quick, and easy. He also wears a gold ring on his right hand, perhaps there’s something behind that. Oh well, best get to work now.