Permabrig ban

SS14 account username: Hekie
Role(s): Command/sec
Date of ban: 5/27/2023
Length of ban: 1 week
Events leading to the ban: I was hos on extended and I jailed a player because she killed hammy in a microwave and made illegal weapons, handcuffs, and stole many different materials from various locations around the station. I confiscated these weapons, I put her in jail for a bit. she was let out by the timer and escaped with her belongings into disposals. I let that be. I walk down to cargo and order monkey crates, this was because I thought it would be funny and cargo had no problem with it. next I hear an explosion right next to the shuttle and the closest person to the explosions is the player, who happens to be cutting clothing with her illegal weapons. I proceed to arrest her because I assumed the bomb was from her. I stun her and fail to get cuffs on her the first time. she stands up grabs her spear and starts stabbing me. In fear I grab my pistol and shoot her. She falls dead and I am at red health and am bleeding to death. I drag her body with me to med, then I patch myself up while she is getting patched up. I go over to her when she wakes up and cuff her. This is so I can put her in jail. My officer and Warden said she should go in Perma, I bring her to Perma, strip her and remove possible weapons from Perma. Next I walk out of Perma and have to ssd for a bit. Then I get message by the admins, leading to  this appeal.
Reason the ban should be removed: I think I deserve to be banned just for a shorter time frame, I didn’t significantly ruin the station, I may have ruined someone’s shift but i didn’t cause any problems and have no previous offences/warnings. I personally believe that the ban should be shortened because of the fact that what I did  wasn’t extremely terrible or ruined the game for others.

Also I forgot to mention, when I was negotiating with the admin in Ahelp, he threatened me that he will at 12 hours to the ban if I keep talking in Ahelp.

I also view it unnecessary to ban all of command when the problem was just with sec and a role in sec

By the time I needed to tell you I was not interested in discussing the situation further we had been discussing your misdeeds for almost 45 minutes while you continued to try and negotiate for a lower ban. To clarify this is a summary of the issues I found from a quick chat log check:

  1. Asked for all-access round-start from the captain immediately (powergaming)
  2. Excessively permabrigged a prisoner based on the crimes you gave me of “nearly killing me” and “microwaving hamlet” (hamlet was said to be biting other players among other things). You were also asking everyone but yourself for permabrig advice and tried to deflect the responsibility of permabrigging them by asking the warden first.
  3. Removed every single light, tool, and other object from the permabrig prior to brigging the prisoner, evidently so “they won’t break out” (powergaming).
  4. General No-RP behavior like calling players “self-antags or syndie”
  5. Suspected of metagruding the player you arrested because they “self-antag EVERY ROUND”


On 5/27/2023 at 11:27 PM, Hekie said:

I think I deserve to be banned just for a shorter time frame, I didn’t significantly ruin the station, I may have ruined someone’s shift but i didn’t cause any problems and have no previous offences/warnings. I personally believe that the ban should be shortened because of the fact that what I did  wasn’t extremely terrible or ruined the game for others.

You do have previous offenses and warnings, though not for each specific offense here. You seem to contradict yourself here, saying that you “didn’t cause any problems” and that you didn’t ruin the game for others, but also that you “may have ruined someone’s shift”.

On 5/27/2023 at 11:33 PM, Hekie said:

Also I forgot to mention, when I was negotiating with the admin in Ahelp, he threatened me that he will at 12 hours to the ban if I keep talking in Ahelp.

This appears to have happened only after you continued to try to discuss the role ban in ahelp after they told you that they were done discussing it and you can appeal their decision on the forums.

On 5/27/2023 at 11:38 PM, Hekie said:

I also view it unnecessary to ban all of command when the problem was just with sec and a role in sec

We regularly apply role bans to security and command together with the reasoning that if someone doesn’t seem to have a good enough understanding of expectations for either security or command roles, they’re unlikely to for the other ones. In this case you appear to have been the head of security, which is both a security and command role, and are accused of issues which could reasonably present themselves in both groups of roles.

Is there anything you’d like to address or respond to before the admin team discusses this appeal internally, including the accusations of issues made, anything on this appeal thread, and anything which occurred in the ahelp?

This ban has already expired.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals

From Ban Appeals to Game Servers