Ban reason: i said „im fuckin retarded“ in round 50365 at recording time 08min 10sec
Length of ban: permanent until appealed
Events leading to the ban: I was watching a SS14 video on my second monitor while playing HoS. I was in bridge and heard sounds of someone slashing at an animal. I thought it was someone killing renault in captains office so i panicked and told captain to open his office. Upon entering and seeing nobody was in there, I was dumbfounded and realized that the sound came from the video on my second monitor. I told the captain in LOOC:
„the fucking video i was watching“
„had sounds of an animal beeing killed“
„im fuckin retarded“
Reason the ban should be removed: I know that i got banned for my usage of the word retarded a month ago. In the month since i figured i never used it again, at least a month went by without me getting banned for it and i also tried to be rather self aware about the slurs i use in game wich I also figured went rather successful. But how is this instance offensive to anyone? I was insulting myself for my own stupidity in the given situation. I didn’t use it as a slur to insult disabled people and i didn’t use it to insult anyone else. I get the argument that i also just could have used the word stupid. Fair. But in the heat of the moment where i just felt dumbfounded by my own stupidity it slipped through.
I can understand another temporary ban for having a slip up, but as long as i didn’t use it in any other instance, and especially didn‘t insult any other person but myself, how is a permanent ban anything but excessive? I’d really like this permanent ban to be reconsidered especially considering me cleaning up my use of the word since my last ban over a month ago and not having insulted any specific person but myself. I’d also like for my explanation for my language in my last appeal to be considered with this situation.