Username: PhantomWoof
Ban reason: Borderline ERP, Spending Significant portions of the round on relationships, MetaFriending, OOC in IC
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
Me and billy-the-boi we’re in maints emoting kissing and hugging and were basically doing romance when a regular player named Nilk kept stalking us and reported us for our behavior.
Reason the ban should be removed
This is my own opinion, please don’t include billy in it.
I will admit, our behaviours me and Billy has been very problematic to a birds eye view and been borderline against the rules but like the events I described, Nilk has been stalking us for a lot of games now and I’m pretty sure is the reason why me and billy is banned at this time. I will agree that me and billy has been doing most of all the ban reasons and appealing about it is basically reaching impossible land of second chance but I wanted to still try and explain the reasoning why we were doing such behaviours, so I can give a different image to everyone that will see this appeal.
[Borderline ERP + Romance + OOC in IC]:
Me and billy has been committing a lot of romance and I will admit it, not just in game but also on discord for a month now. I have been getting closer to him so I could assist him mentally because of his past haunting him, I’ve been trying to help him to feel better and brighten his days by spending it in SS14 because we have no where else to allow such interaction to happen… I deeply apologise for this but borderline ERP seems abused for what we were doing, I don’t remember kissing and hugging to be sexually erotic role play so I wish for that reason to be re-evaluated. We know what ERP is and wasn’t ever planning to go as far as committing such degenerous actions.
For the OOC in IC, I can confirm, yes we we’re talking together in IC because the whispering was the only thing we could use to keep our talking mostly private, if there was a whispering looc we would’ve used it 100% but such feature doesn’t exist yet and i’m deeply sorry for ‘abusing’ the IC feature but the talking we had lead to continue using it and we never thought using outside communication for such conversations at that moment in time. We never wanted to break that rule, we just got caught in the moment and it blew over our heads, again I’m sorry and pretty sure billy is too…
I’m not sure why this reason was included, probably as a filler to add more complexity to our ban but me and billy know meta friending is against the rules and we never committed such act in game, sure in some rounds, we did slide each other in some departments like the last time I played HoP, I invited billy in my office but never I gave him AA, never I gave him guns or assisted him in any way shape or form, only invited him so we could hang out together since there wasn’t much happening at that time, I was still committed in doing my job as HoP is a high demand job. Again, I’m sorry but I wish for an explanation for such reason to exist.
In conclusion, I wanted to still attempt to appeal because what else am I supposed to do, SS14 was a huge part of my days and having to quit playing (wizard’s den is the only server that is enjoyable and not crazy stupid on features like delta for example). Me and billy (I’m talking for him right now) are deeply sorry and if we were let a second chance, I would personally let him know that we need to tone our current behaviour in game to barely nothing, it would hurt but that’s the rules if we wish to continue, I was myself also trying to restrain from doing relationship with him and do my job but it was quite hard because well… love is a strong thing to overcome sometimes, especially when you are here to mentally help someone get through their emotions and depression…
We are deeply sorry, me and billy and is willing to change our behaviours if a second chance is considered.
Phantom Woof~ <3