Pierst - i did kill afk player for sacriface

i know little english thats way i using translate for this ticket i hope can translate true ( i playing this games for learn english )

i did kill afk player for sacriface but i didn’t know it was forbidden i didn’t see it in the rules or I overlooked it that’s why I was banned for 1 day

but when I log in today, it looks like 6 months, my sentence and the explanation part says the following  (i used google lens to copy it, I hope it’s faultless)

_ Space Station 14 _

_ Exit _

_ Failed to connect to server: _

_ Disconnected: Connection denied: You, or another user of this computer or connection, are banned from playing here. _

_ The ban reason is: “took you 35 minutes to decide to try and ban evade a 24h wrist slap, enjoy the next six months off and appeal only with a voucher of good behavior at forum.ss14.0” _

_ This ban is appeal only. _

_ Hetry _

_ Don’t die! _

_ ss14s://zard.spocestation14.io/server _

_ _




SS14 account: Pierst
Character name: Doran Pierst
Type of Ban: İ killed a afk guy for sacriface in ritual
Date of Ban and Duration: 1 day but now 6 moth i dont know which true
Reason for Ban: _ “took you 35 minutes to decide to try and ban evade a 24h wrist slap, enjoy the next six months off and appeal only with a voucher of good behavior at forum.ss14.0”  _
Server you were playing on when banned: Lizard
Your side of the story: we were in the church, a man was locked in a closet pretending to be God , and I said I would bring a man afk and make an sacriface with a knife, me and other guy cut the afk guy together 
Why you think you should be unbanned: i’ve served my punishment, please don’t keep me waiting any longer and i found out when the admin told me it was forbidden
Anything else we should know: 1 gün men edildim, sonra cezam 6 ay olarak değiştirildi
appeal, include it here.

WhatsApp Image 2022-10-15 at 01.01.34.jpeg


You immediately attempted to evade your ban under a different account which has never connected to our servers before. You may only appeal this ban with a voucher of good behavior from another SS13/SS14 server and only after six months from now (04/15/2023).

From Rejected to Ban Appeals