note: this applies to round start antags. a similar system could probaally be applied to mid-round antags but I feel like ghost role selection would then need a way to communicate that.
you know feels like I am fresh out of luck. I really wanna be theif but I keep getting traitor and nukeops. or it has been alot of rounds since you got any antag role. well I have a idea that should help increase people’s chances at getting antagonist. the pity system is simple. let each player select one antag role they wanna “prioritize” as that is the one they will be earning “tickets” for. for each time that antag mode is rolled and you are not a antag it will give you a extra “ticket” each ticket weighs it slightly more in your favor. so say there have been 10 theif rounds and you have theif set as your priority but not gotten it. lets also assume you are the only person who has theif prioritized. you would have 11 entries and everyone else would have 1. on a packed game of 80 player (assuming all 80 players have theif enabled) your chance of being theif went from 1.25% to 12.22%. which is not alot. but with servers usually being less full and not everyone having all antag roles enabled. but others also probally prioritizing theif thee chance should be somewhat accurate.
another neat way would be to see how many tickets you have (so you can despair at how unlucky you are). also tickets are non-transferable. no clue if it should void tickets when swapping antags or if it should just not use/gain them that would be up to the implementor.
I dont think this would work as those who have much greater playtimes will naturally progress towards higher antag odds. say you have a group of people some play alot so have lots of antag pitty, and others play only once a day as they have a job or other commitments. in a group of 80 people those who have lots of free time will naturally be able to farm pitty faster and as they have higher pitty prevent lower pitty players getting a shot in.
the only ‘fair’ way to do it is having everyone who opts in have the same chance of being antag in any given round.
yourr tickets reset when you get the role. so if you play often you would often play during times of lower activity. and therefore have a higher chance to “burn” your ticket stack.
ofc there is always the option for a “negative tickets” system. where each player gets like 10/20 tickets per week or something. and everytime you get that role. it takes a ticket away. thatway at the start of the weel/month or whatever. but people who play constantly will burn through their bonus tickets faster then those who play less often.
This has other issues too.
First of all is the meta aspect. It is already hard to ignore the players that always have antag on and are the most common suspects. I know it is against the rules, and personally i make sure to not abuse it, but if even i (which play pretty sparingly) can tell by name who are the most likely antags, imagine any metaplayers that play often.
Now people can get the SAME antag even more often and become even more obvious.
There are other ways to reduce the frustration of not getting a roll. Like telling you before the round starts (pick antags before the ready timer is done and tell the recipient about their imminent starting role and allow them to pick). Or reduce the chance of repeated rolling (so the role is spread more evenly). Or even tell the player the chance they had of getting the role that round, based on how many had queued for it.
(Information helps reduce frustration)
But this seems like the most problematic of the possible solutions.