PolterTzi - Github ban over "anti-LGBT" content

GitHub account: PolterTzi
Date of ban: 2024-03-19
Events leading to the ban: I made a april fools PR adding Pride themed items to the Advanced Riot Control research (also renaming it to “Advanced Riot Gear”) and SWAT crate. I blurred the items in the media preview for the stated reason “for the funny”. This was deemed “anti-LGBT content” and resulted in my ban.

Reason the ban should be removed: First off, I admit, the blurring wasn’t the best idea and if you think it was in poor taste, I’m not gonna argue, my bad there.

The joke of the PR itself was supposed to tie into the “pride is/was a riot” idea relatively common in certain queer circles.

I may have misstepped in my humour there, but I assure you, I’m not here to spread homophobia or any other hatred towards the community.


Sorry about the ban, we were a bit hot on the trigger these days and some of our staff didn’t get the reference so we assumed that it was a dog-whistle for LGBTQ hate. In retrospect, it’s a pretty good joke but it’s something easily that can go over someone’s head (and might lead to wrong assumptions). I’ve reversed the ban, so you should be able to contribute once more.

I’m assuming since you’re making these sort of jokes you’re probably involved in some form of pro-LGBTQ activism, and if so I’d personally like to thank you for standing up for people like myself and others right to be themselves. If you aren’t directly involved, that’s fine too since you are clearly an ally that cares enough about LQBTQ rights to be making references to Stonewall :stuck_out_tongue:

Appeal accepted.

Could you also reopen these PRs, since they seemed to be closed during the ban?




Yep already done! I also added a clarification to what happened (that you were repobanned in error).

Sorry for all the inconvenience, we’ve had to deal with a lot of harassment/hate in the last few months so we’re still a bit quick on the trigger when it comes to dealing with things that look like they might be anti-LGBTQ.

Also, a lot of our core staff team are not from the US so they aren’t fully informed on what’s going on the US LBTQ/Pride space. (I had to do a bit of Googling to find the context for your joke)

From Accepted to Ban Appeals

From Ban Appeals to GitHub