Popaylano - Appeal for homophobic slurs

Username: Popaylano

Ban reason: I type to chat "[Slur removed by forum moderation]"
Length of ban: i dont know
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

Simply put, because of another player, I went through a very frustrating series of events for about 10 minutes and got quite angry at my computer. Later, I waited for them to die in the game and stood over them, thinking, “You know we’re in this mess because of you, right, idiot (stupid/dumb)?” Of course, I was thinking this in my native language, and I was certain that the English equivalent of “idiot” was “[Slur removed by forum moderation].” However, I misremembered the English translation of “idiot,” and in my frustration, I ended up getting banned.

Reason the ban should be removed

I’d like to sincerely apologize for my behavior that led to this ban. I genuinely enjoy playing SS14 and value the time I spend on this server. After coming home from work, I look forward to unwinding with a simple and enjoyable gaming experience here, which makes this situation even more regrettable for me.

To explain what happened: In a moment of frustration during the game, I mistakenly used an inappropriate word, thinking it had a completely different meaning. In my native language, the word I intended to convey was something closer to “idiot” or “fool.” However, I misremembered its English equivalent and inadvertently used a word with a much more serious and offensive meaning. I now fully understand the gravity of this mistake and take responsibility for it.

I also understand that this ban serves as a necessary reminder of the impact of our words, regardless of intent. I assure you that I’ve learned from this experience and will be more mindful moving forward. My only goal is to continue enjoying the game responsibly and respectfully within this community.

Thank you for considering my explanation, and I truly appreciate the time and effort you dedicate to maintaining this server.

Alternate Accounts

none just this one Popaylano - I type to chat “[Slur removed by forum moderation]”

1 Like

Because your appeal seems genuine here, your ban will be removed. Do not use slurs on our servers.


Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

This topic was automatically closed 3 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.

It was reported to the admin team that this appeal was generated through the use of an LLM.

After review and discussion from the admin team, it was determined that the report was likely true.

The admin team has decided to overturn this appeal for this reason.

The appellant will be allowed to make another appeal immediately.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-accepted