= Post title = moony[?] - Campbelle1000

SS14 account: Campbelle1000
Character name: Bella camp
When was the ban: 2/23/2022
Server you were playing on when banned: Wizards Den Lizard [US West]
Your side of the story: I was playing as a robot and just saying random things I could think of to see what they would translate to with the bot filter, I realize some of the things I said were close to bad words but I didn’t say any actual ones and I do realize it was wrong even if it was filtered.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I play here often and don’t do anything to intentionally anger mods, I enjoy playing here and wish to return.
to return, what value do you bring back to the community? I bring back integrity, as in I know how to play and play a lot.

Was your ban unfair? I feel as if it was unfair but the mods might beg to differ

Justify it. Anything i said was put through filters as a robot, meaning nobody in game could see it, only because an admin checked the logs was it seen, unfiltered.
Anything else we should know: The words went through a robot filter, making it say beep boop.





I am not going to argue with you about the fact you say conflicting information over discord and over here, Further proving the fact you didn’t fully read the appeal by saying that I “Admitted to saying slurs” when in reality I said close to, If you want to argue do it in a civil and way that doesn’t have two sides.

What conflicting information have I said, please clip it for reference. Also please clip where I have been uncivil, thank you.

>I was playing as a robot and just saying random things I could think of to see what they would translate to with the bot filter

You said the n-word multiple times. From wiktionary:


You didn’t say things close to a slur (multiple times), you said a slur.

>Was your ban unfair? I feel as if it was unfair but the mods might beg to differ

I don’t think banning for slurs is unfair.

I am fine with unbanning if they admit they said it and will do better in future, and not just say “I said close to” a slur as if they’re in the right.

Listen I said I wont argue but I wasn’t aware the 3 letter variant was a slur in and of itself so I am sorry, And yes even though I didn’t know it it was still wrong and I can admit that, So yes I unintentionally said a slur and almost did others too and that is my fault even if it was filtered.

12 hours ago, Campbelle1000 said:

Listen I said I wont argue but I wasn’t aware the 3 letter variant was a slur in and of itself so I am sorry, And yes even though I didn’t know it it was still wrong and I can admit that, So yes I unintentionally said a slur and almost did others too and that is my fault even if it was filtered.

To add onto this yes I can do better and promise to do so.

Do you want me to promise anything else?

Forgot to get around to this. I will unban this time around.

From Accepted to Ban Appeals