Punchy_Gameing - I was security and a cuffed a mime, then i stuffed their body into a spaced locker. RDM

Username: Punchy_Gameing

Ban reason: I was security and a cuffed a mime, then i stuffed their body into a spaced locker. RDM
Length of ban: 15000 Minutes
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Events leading to the ban

I was bored as security and I had lured a mime to an isolated maintaince tunnel knocked them unconciuous as security then I stuffed their body into a locker and cuffed them. Then I had left the game as I had IRL things to deal with. a few hours later when i got back on, I was banned for RDM.

Reason the ban should be removed

Although I have already served the time for the ban, I apologize for the RDM and the poor RP. I wish to no longer be banned from the security department and I wish to be re-whitelisted on Salamander. I will not RDM any players using power I have over them and I will stick to the role in which I have been selected to do.

Alternate Accounts

Ban is already expired.

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

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