
In-game Username: Quetyr
Discord username: real icepick
Characters you play: Stalks-The-Captain, The Bay of Vice City, Safety-Hazard, The Expiration of Life, Never-Will-Lie, Whizz Key, Kayava.

On average, how many hours do you expect to admin per week: 24-42

Days you are available to admin on: I can admin on every-day as of the time of making this application, new circumstances may change this and there may be some days where theres exceptions but I have free time most of the week.

How old are you? 19

Do you have any SS14 experience outside of Wizard’s Den servers, or any SS13 experience? As far as admining is concerned no, but concerning experience in general yes.

SS14 experience outside of Wizden is limited with only Frontier, Goob, and RMC being the only other servers I have playtime on.

With SS13 I have more experience, primarily within CM-SS13 where I have about 300~ hours played total. TG station and paradise are also two others I have played on before with about 100 or so hours on both before I switched to SS14.

Do you have prior administration experience (SS13/SS14 experience preferred, please also post a way for us to verify this)? I do not have experience with administration within SS13/SS14, whomever I do have experience as a community manager within a small Roblox development group called “KZ Industries” (KZ Industries - Roblox is the link to this group). If proof is needed feel free to DM me and I can send more screenshots/proof of the position.

Have you ever been banned from any SS14 or SS13 servers? No, I do whomever have three current notes within Wizden, One medium, one low, and one non-issue.

What are you primarily interested in doing as an admin? Primary interest with becoming an admin is in-game rule enforcement and out-of-game rule enforcement respectively. This is primarily because of the issue of admins not being online when self-antags/raiders are active and thus being inconvenient when an ahelp is made, I want to help to mitigate this issue by providing more opportunity to deal with the issue by being online and monitoring the round.

What are you least interested in doing as an admin? Likely in-game events, whilst fun to do I believe a round should be untampered with unless players have been active for a long awhile without an event or if players has a relatively bad round due to issues with a previous round. I simply dont wish to interfere with the flow of a round thus I am not so inclined to do in-game events that often.

I should mention ban appeals too but I dont have any strong feelings against or for it. I am mildly interested in doing appeals but not as much as other duties listed.

Detail Questions

What role do you think game admins serve on our servers?

Game Admins on Wizden (and also other servers by extension) serve to enforce rules inorder to keep a round orderly and prevent it from descending into utter chaos at the hands of bad actors.

An admin is an active enforcer of server rules and common sense where breakage of those rules results in an negative experience for one or more people. Admins dont have to focus on rule enforcement solely though, if a round is quiet and goes without issue and admin can do things like events, them serving as an opportunity for players to have fun is another role they can fulfill.

Simply put an Admins role is to ensure the round goes smoothly as possible by enforcing server rules and dealing with bad actors, and where those duties are not possible making the round more fun by doing things such as events or responding to faxes/red phone calls.

Why do you want to become an administrator for SS14?

I wish to expand my field in moderation by having more experience as one but besides that I also just want to help. People often complain that ahelps aren’t often acted upon until much later when an admin reads the ahelp log, this mainly occurs in low-pop hours (ex: at night like 2 AM) and is an issue both me and countless others have experienced. I wish to at least contribute to mitigating this issues, whilst I doubt I can solve the issue entirely (I am just one person after-all with limits), by becoming an admin I can hopefully help mitigate this issue by playing at hours where these issues are attributed to.

How do you feel about the current roleplay status on the servers?

Currently I only exclusively play on Leviathan with Hopper being occasionally played on. Whilst I cannot speak about MRP servers or lizard due to those servers either having never been played on by me or if played on long ago.

As such I will give my opinion on Leviathans roleplay culture and also a bit of Hopper too.

Leviathan as a server is relatively fine, RP on Leviathan is rare but not as rare as Lizard as some would say. Leviathan DOES have issues such as self-antags or raiders especially during low-pop hours. But when those issues aren’t present Leviathan is generally speaking fun as most players on it are willing to roleplay which leads to some great RP experiences. Yes, Leviathan does have issues (and somewhat controversially those issues are becoming slightly more worse as time goes on) but during high-pop where a decent security team can deal with those threats or just players in general it is generally speaking a decent server with tons of opportunities for RP (given that the round isn’t dealing with a major threat yet).

Other than banning problematic players, what admin actions do you believe have the biggest positive impact?

Mentoring and helping new players learn the game, whilst this action is not moderation focused I do believe it has a positive impact on SS14. SS14 is undoubtedly a complex game to learn and play, controls can be convoluted and the GUI confusing at times, the guidebook does exist but there’s some cases where a player might not learn well from the guidebook or where the guidebook doesn’t apply. Being able to help and assist these players with learning various mechanics of the game increases the chance they would stay increasing player count and possibly allowing a new player join the community. Yes players can teach and help new players especially in the various department, whomever being able to increase the quality of that teaching by for example providing a new player a test dummy to learn treatments without possibly damaging a player is great. It allows the new player to receive quality knowledge and maybe even a feeling of trust and welcoming to the community.

Have you ever had a negative experience in the game or with a game admin? If so what, if anything, would you do to prevent other players from experiencing this?

As far as game admins are concerned I have had no bad experiences with any, most admins whom I contacted or was confronted with were relatively respectful and understanding.

I do whomever have had negative experiences pertaining to players. The list is numerous as thus I cannot name them all but I will mention one instance.

During a round on Leviathan I was playing the character “Stalks-The-Captain” the gimmick was doing alright but unfortaunley this Captain wasn’t the best when it came to behavior.
This Captain would ignore issues which crew pointed out to them and generally speaking did counter-productive behavior such as slipping Security members and tossing their batons which security did not enjoy. This issue did not concern me until they baited me into the computer board room and bolted the door behind me proceeding to run off. I was eventually freed by an engineer but me and many others were quite upset at their actions throughout the round. These issues became more apparent when the Captain kept on recalling the shuttle when there was a dragon whom had killed the majority of the crew + a lone op. I tried reporting this behavior to HoS whomever because he was busy did not respond to this issue. When they tried to trap me again for a 2nd time I attempted to stun them, to which they proceeded to run away. I decided to not pursue as EVAC had arrived and I went on the shuttle to successfully EVAC.

During this round I was a security Officer.

What I would do to prevent others from experiencing this is to treat all crew members equally when it comes to rule enforcement, this captain broke space law on multiple occasions and was generally speaking being a dick. What I would’ve done if I was an admin would be to contact this captain and ask them to stop the problematic behavior. If they had stopped then that would’ve been that and I might’ve only issued a note or minor role-ban for a few days. If they had continued though I likely would’ve warned them two other times to stop before following up with a ban for the problematic behavior.

I believe this cap had been ahelped but he wasn’t dealt with immediately as there was no admins online, as stated before I wish to mitigate this issue.

Have you ever had a good experience with the game or a game admin? If so, what was it?

Yes, i’ve only had one direct ahelp that was initiated by an admin and that was for a relatively minor issue of the name not being appropriate, I was able to comply with the admin and only got a non-issue note for the ordeal, this was good conduct by the admin.

Again i’ve had many good experiences too with players primarily pertaining to RP. For example in one round as an syndicate agent I managed to give the Captain PTSD pertaining to lockers since I had kidnapped him and stuffed him into a locker of which the Captain proceeded to stay as far away as from lockers even going as so far to take longer routes in order to avoid them. He also never interacted with lockers after the incident and never went into maintenance where the incident happened, this was generally speaking an enjoyable experience.

Scenario Questions

Scenario 1

It is the start of the round. There are 60 players on the server. The game mode is traitors, traitors have not been selected yet. There are three players who decided to observe the round instead of join it orbiting you. Two of them are encouraging you to “do something funny”.

My response would primarily be based on how the round went, round-start I would not do an event waiting until at bare minimum 30 or more minutes had passed, I dont wish to interrupt a round especially inconveniently by doing an event so early, if the round its self was already entertaining enough by the actions of traitor I would not host an event as these players are implying. If the round is stale though and traitors were either quickly dealt with by Security or have been limiting their actions to primarily maintenance or non-violent means I might consider an event. I would not do this though without the majority of players approving of it, as thus I would do a poll if players would like an event and if the majority said yes I would continue with one. Likewise if it tied or majority said no I would not host the event. I dont wanna do events if it might interrupt players experiences or flow as such I’d only do events with strict approval from the players in that round.

Scenario 2

This scenario takes place on LRP. The Head of Security has decided to coup the Captain. The Head of Personnel agrees with the Head of Security and has taken up arms in case it is necessary to aid in effecting the arrest of the Captain. The Captain is hiding with the Quartermaster in the cargo shuttle to avoid the Clown who has stolen the captains saber as a non-antag. There are five people named in this scenario. Please describe what actions, if any, you would take in relation to each, and why.

My reactions on how I would deal with this issue largely depend on which players were bad actors in this scenario. If the Captain this round was actively doing actions against crew or other-wise breaking Space Law I would allow the coup to go forward but inform the HOS to not use lethals unless absolutely necessary, if HOS does use lethals without proper escalation then I would confront them about the use of lethals. Once the coup had been completed and the Captain detained I would confront the captain and ask them about their actions that round, depending on their response I would either issue a note and let Security keep them detained or issue a role-ban/ban due to their actions. If Captain did not commit any actions warranting an arrest I would not confront them as they are the victim.

As far as HOS is concerned again my response depends on the legality of the coup, if Captain had committed numerous crimes warranting an arrest i’d again let it go through and confront HOS/Security if lethals were used unjustifiably. If the coup was NOT legal (ex: Captain had done nothing warranting an arrest or firing) then I would confront HOS and ask them to not go through with the coup or to release/revive Captain if they had been detained/killed. Depending on player cooperation, history and behavior I’d again either issue a note or roleban/ban. For the rest of Security I would be slightly more lenient due to them likely following their bosses orders but I would deal with them on a case by case basis judging based off of involvement in the ordeal.

When it comes to QM they are mostly innocent in this situation as clown in this case is an active threat to Captains life, Captain in this situation should’ve called security but in this scenario Security is actively against Captain. As thus their actions to avoid the threat are justified and QM would largely remain unconfronted unless they helped avoid the coup (if Captains arrest was justified) or if they helped the coup (if Captains arrest was NOT justified) in which case I would confront them and go through the same process as with Captain and HOS.

Clowns actions in this scenario is a rule break, they are supposedly chasing after Captain and have their Saber as an non-antag, unless Captain was actively using their saber against them first unprovoked and clown possessed it due to shoving it or slipping it out of his hands Clowns actions here ARE a rule break. Again Captain is hiding due to him being supposedly chased by Clown due to Clowns intent to harm Captain, regardless if the coup is legal or not I would confront the Clown on this issue and tell them to return the saber to Security or contact Captain and find a place to drop off the saber for them to come recollect, I’d also tell them to stop chasing after Captain due to Captain wanting to avoid Clown because they have the saber. I would then tell Clown to not steal the saber again and then proceed to note/ban them for this incident. The only case where I would consider not noting them is if the reason Clown had the saber was due to Captain attacking them unprovoked with it first in which case I would likely confront Captain about the issue and leave Clown with a note for chasing after Captain with the saber.

Judgement on HOPs actions largely depends on the outcome of HOS and their legality on the Coup. As HOP is acting as a (potential) leader in this scenario he would receive similar evaluation and judgement akin to HOS. See the HOS section for how I would consider HOP as they are leading the coup just like HOS.

Scenario 3

You are ahelping a player about an issue. The player has no prior noted issues. A few days earlier, an admin had told you that this type of situation should result in a temporary ban for a first offense, and you are confident that this situation is not substantially different from the type that admin was describing. During the ahelp, another admin pings you on Discord with a link to the ongoing ahelp and tells you to just indefinitely ban them and make them appeal. Excluding trialmins and headmins, all admins are equally “ranked”. A headmin is not currently available.

This scenario and my response primarily depends on the issue at hand and reasoning behind the suggestions. I would ask both of the admins as to their reasoning and belief that they should be temporarily banned/permanently banned. If the issue was major (ex: welder-bombing medical, killing crew as an non-antag and generally disruptive behavior) and the third admins response is just and reasonable then I would consider following through with a perma-ban.

If the issue is of moderate concern (ex: player accidentally caused a plasma-fire by recklessly messing around with a lighter and player did not reach out to admins to self-report about the issue) I would likely follow through with the 2nd admins suggestion provided their reasoning and justification is valid, that being unless the 3rd admin manages to provide a sufficient counter-point to my decision in which case I would reconsider.

If the issue is of minor concern (ex: player continually trespassed into areas and refused to leave until confronted.) I would likely follow through with my own judgement and only issue a note, that is unless the 2nd or 3rd admin provides a counter-argument or good enough reasoning to escalate the punishment to something more severe.

If neither admins provide good enough reasoning I would likely reconsider the punishment I would give to the player taking in actions they committed to warrant an ahelp. If severe enough I may follow through with a temporary ban or perma-ban.