Rainy - Multiple Repat offenses of self antag and abuse of command - Decided as CMO to 1. not do their job all shift, 2. act like a pirate 3. kill all of security because pirate (cut off for char limit)

Username: rainy

Ban reason: Multiple Repat offenses of self antag and abuse of command - Decided as CMO to 1. not do their job all shift, 2. act like a pirate 3. kill all of security because pirate (cut off for char limit)
Length of ban: Indefinite/Appeal only
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction

Vote Opt-Out: false

Events leading to the ban

I think it was around April Fool’s time, and everything was very silly. All of command and I proceeded to form a pirate crew and started ransacking the station. I understand that this is typically a flagrant violation of almost every server rule. However, the general station vibe was hella silly. I believe that I was singled out as well, as the rest of the command was not smitten by their actions as I was. Again, I believe this ban would’ve been justified at any other time, but since it was a silly shift, I feel like it was too harsh.

Reason the ban should be removed

I feel like the ban should be removed because I was banned a few months ago and the circumstances of the ban, I feel, were a little too harsh given the situation.

Alternate Accounts

This has been put to an admin discussion and vote of which we have come to the consensus to remove the ban.

The reasons provided in the discussion for this decision were the following:

  • 2nd Chance
  • Even though its April fools maybe don’t act like a complete goober especially not RP’n in the aHelp.

​​​​​​​Appeal Accepted - Ban Removed.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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