Ranbee - Huge asshole, menace, ERP maniac

SS14 account username: Ranbee
Ban reason: “Huge asshole in chat logs + talking about content not permitted under ERP rules. Appeal @ forum.ss14.io
Date of ban: Unknown
Length of ban: “This ban is appeal only”
Events leading to the ban: I don’t actually remember what happened and I didn’t even know I was banned since I haven’t played ss14 for a pretty long time. But indeed I could have been a huge asshole in chat logs and I could have talked about content not permitted under ERP rules, and that is why I am appealing my ban today on these fine forums. I don’t think I’d like to be banned from the official game servers, so I am delivering a sincere apology to all those hurt by my words, or aroused I don’t know. And also an apology to the admins, can’t leave them out.
Reason the ban should be removed: I believe I accidentally explained that in the events leading to the ban section.

Please sign in with and appeal using the account you were banned on.

From Rejected to Ban Appeals