Username: RatMan420
Ban reason: Helped someone bring fuel to welderbomb sec and stole large amounts of PDAs, IDs and vital equipment off players
Length of ban: 4320
Ban Issue:
The ban is fair, but I would like a second chance or reduction
Vote Opt-Out: false
Events leading to the ban
A passenger went up to me when I was a Mime and asked if I “do the funni” and brought me to where he was putting fuel tanks in the sec maints, I brought a fuel tank there and then left because I wanted to humor him, after this I went around stealing 3 PDAs off people who disconnected and found a chef PDA in disposals, The only vital equipment I remember taking is security comms and glasses off of a disconnected Sec Officer.
Reason the ban should be removed
I didn’t get a warning for this and only knew later when I went to relog because of a menu glitch, I feel like a admin message would of been reasonable instead of not knowing until I tried to reconnect. The fuel tank I brought to help the passenger can’t be excused but for the PDAs I didn’t think it would harm anyone since they disconnected and i’ve seen people loot them before so I assumed it was within the rules.