Remove Cat Ears from the contraband list

It’s genuinely so frustrating to see such a great and fun item be constantly metagamed by Sec. Being arrested for contra when you find these through gambling is so unbelievably infuriating and unnecessary.


counterpoint: the cat ears being illegal is funny, as they’re a deeply cursed item in general

(also, it’s… it’s not metagaming. that’s not what that word means. c’mon)


Okay but being arrested for cat ears; a fun, rare, and harmless item, is so unbelievably frustrating. Why are they even in the game if you can’t have them in the first place, and they serve no function?? Might as well remove them if you’re just going to be arrested for them

Like I get the joke about how they’re cursed, I agree that’s funny. Maybe I should have waited to write this post because I’m pretty heated from a shift where I was targeted by sec for having them.

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The item literally says it’s illegal.


True it does, but come on, its just a pair of cat ear’s that make you talk weirdly, also the weirdest thing is, they’re MAJOR CONTRABAND a pair of stupid cat ears is a major? That’s idiotic, but to be fair, I like the cat ear’s a lot and they shouldn’t be contraband, and in no way should they be major contraband.


okay, to be more serious, some context that may be useful:
cat ears originate as a joke item that can be purchased from the syndicate uplink for a downright silly amount of TC - or, more realistically, as an item that wastes most of your super surplus.
their status as contraband is probably based on this origin - and how it’s influenced the way players treated them before contra labels - rather than the alternate source that is the grand lottery.


I know a pair of dog ears also exist. Any clue if those are labeled as contra or can be bought in the uplink? I know you can also get them from cargo lottery I believe unless they removed it after all those updates

I also agree silly & unharmful things shouldn’t be counted as contra

From General to Feedback

Tbh just played a game, I got syndie, i did surplus got the ears, and then sec took them, that’s bullshit, like I had caps stamp but it didn’t matter since cap can’t stamp off on syndie contra, this should really get change to at least minor or non-contra, please wizden admins, change this and maybe add it to your accessories tab in the lobby menu.

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You’re missing the point of the joke, I assume because you wanna be a felinid(for shame). Wizden community wise hate the cat ears (either literally or for the joke), it turns your text into disgusting uwu speak and is a sight to the sore eye. Wearing it, you’re agreeing to wearing contraband. There’s a reason why the ears are not accessible in the character loadout and even labelled under “special”.

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Frankly, all of the useless “wearable” contraband should be knocked down a point on the contraband scale, if only so that people stop getting put into cells over drip. IRL, you’re not going to get arrested for wearing an opposing country’s clothes, unless it in some way is a detriment to the country you’re in.


It already is by not being ahelpable as sec/command when you do nothing about cosmetic contra like this, though of course you still can’t use it. So sec going after such contra simply have nothing better to do, make some IEMs, blow up armory. That ought to give them something better to look for. :godo:


No I get that, what you don’t understand, I wear the cat ears as a joke, its because of that cursed speech, its just funny, like I get that it might hurt your eyes, but to be fair that’s what makes them funny, like one time I’m not sure if it was on Wizden servers or another I was on, the Head of Shitsec, was forced to wear the cat ears by CC aka the admins, it was hilarious, Hos hated it, and the rest of the crew loved it.

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I got the cat ears randomly over a course of a game and I loved them. the crew I was with didn’t seem to care and I didn’t even know they was contriban until I discovered this post. I thought it was very fun and cute and it made me happy to be the scientist intern with cat ears. I was trying to look up how to get them only to find that they are extemely irrlegal and expensive contriband makes me kinda sad. I’d like to request this fun little item become a misc trinket you can start with like the hair flower rather than joke contriband item.

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That’ll never happen for the same reason(s) that felinids won’t be made a species on wizden.

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