Remove/Nerf the hypopen


I wouldn’t complain if this hasn’t happened 4 to 5 times to me as a captain and even more in other command roles. I have been hypo’d with nocturn often enough for it to warrant me making this post; I think either the hypo needs to be removed or the cost increased because holy SHIT, I get nocturned, then a microbomb in my pocket, and I’m just out of the game permanently. This item rewards bad players by making it accessible to kill people for free and encourages me to meta-game and never follow people around without 3 to 4 security officers on me. It should take some skill to remove people from the game permanently.

You can use the noct pen creatively, people just don’t.

Noct is fun for kidnapping people.

You need to remember too though, that when the antag uses noct pen, plus a minibomb, they’re spending literally everything they started with on killing you too.


This is fine, but it’s still dumb that it’s an option. It’s no skill, and you’re removing someone from the round for free. Kidnapping is cool, but you should not be capable of affording 40 million units of nocturne and a mini bomb.

pen and hypo already cost a lot of tc. Buying storage implanter so you store those items in, costs 8 TC. so you’re already left with enough TC to maybe buy one or two items at max (including the minibomb)

I enjoy playing antag and I developed few methods that I use to kill someone.

if you nerf one strategy, then people would resort to another strategy.

You can’t nerf something because it made you frustrated. I’d say maybe increase the TC price for hypo + noc but it’s already high in my opinion.

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I agree with Spicy, of course Noc. and hypo is somewhat OP, also with the minibomb, but also how can that happen so many times, I question if you just go around maints or follow random tiders to remote places, because others wise I dont see how you could be hypo’d and mini bombed, like I get hypo’d from time to time, sometimes noc sometimes cloral, but I have never been minibombed, they would always cuff me with cable cuffs and drag me into maints, or somewhere. Like I don’t think it should be nerfed or removed, just play a bit smarter, if you see a weird guy maybe keep distance and don’t go with someone somewhere alone, your command, not some random cargo tech.

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I’ve only ever gotten nocturned like twice in the past 4-5 months. One time they failed because they weren’t quick enough with their 2nd noc to fully put me out and the other time they didn’t get what they wanted because they couldn’t find it. I do also question what you were doing in those situations and where you were to get Noc’d so easily so many times. You must be very unlucky :sweat_smile:

I know it’s frustrating, however you could even say that evac bombing is a no skill strat because they waited the whole round to just do that and get easy kills. There’s a few things in the game that are “no skill”, but hey, not everyone is good at being an antag and not everyone wants to go killing people or might even be learning what works best for them- exploring if you will. Just how the game works I suppose.

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I mean, even with my statement before, I think im probably one of the most vocal hater of the noct pen combo when it’s just straight up used to murder your target.

The pen can be fun if you actually use the pen to do something interesting, like one shift I was a botanist and used the hypo to heal myself and others after doing my objectives.

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That’s generally antags in a nutshell. Not just hypo is an issue here.


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