Replay from 2024 feb issues

I have a replay from all the way back in feb and it’s my first ever major victory as a nuclear operative, and also one of my favourite rounds ever- plus it was apparently great for the crew. It was taken down from the servers for space a couple of weeks ago and as far as I know it’s the only copy, but it also just doesn’t run - when I try to run the zip from the launcher it’s “Fetching server manifest…” forever until the window dissapears after 5~10 minutes and nothing happens. I know there were some issues around that time with replays but if a fix for it was ever found, I’d quite like to see it since the replay is semi-sentimental to me.

Important stuff:
Round ID 47152 Salamander
23rd Feb 2024
my copy of the replay (if you don’t like catbox, I can do it other ways just ask)

Heyo, I did some investigation

It seems like that the replay is using some old download links. Which is why the download is failing.

Even though I did manage to fix the links after the fact. The launcher sadly refuses to start it due to the game engine version that replay relies on being considered vulnerable.

The only way you can view this replay now is by downloading the game’s source code and taking your copy of the code back in time where you can view it “offline”

Gonna copypaste a discord message i made for this

Older versions of the engine are vulnerable to exploits. While you are probably gonna be fine we are not responsible for any damage done.

  1. If you have not already follow the development environment setup guide to get the games code. If you want to download a pretty old replay (Before December 13 2023 for Wizard’s Den servers) you will also potentially need the dotnet 7 SDK as versions after then use dotnet 8-9 instead.
  2. Download your replay in %AppData%\Space Station 14\data\replays (or equivalent for macOS & Linux) (it will need to be here to be loaded) and open it with your favorite archive tool (I’m using 7zip) (DONT extract it). Find a file called rt_content_bundle.json and open it with notepad.
  3. Look for a value named version and copy it.
  4. Open a command prompt/git bash inside the folder with the Space Station 14 dev environment you made in step 1. And type the following
    ex. git checkout 49c819373919d6ad2c7e1d802025782ecdce370b
  5. You should have successfully rolled back to an old version of the code. Now attempt to run the replay client with
    dotnet run --project Content.Replay --configuration Release
    this may take a bit. So grab some tea, coffee or other preferred beverage.
  6. Once the game loads. Click on “Select a Replay”, click the replay you wanna watch. If all the stuff at the bottom left is green then you are good. Press “Load Selected Replay” and enjoy.

If you still can’t run the replay try running cvar replay.ignore_errors True inside the build in console (` key) before loading the replay. Otherwise it’s dead jim.

Thanks for the help, but looks like it’s dead in the water. If it’s any indication of the issue the duration was reading as nothing.