This post and the replay of that game pretty much explain my problem with your staff member admin (Repo). nikthechampiongr took over the ticket afterwards and said it was being looked at internally, I just wanted to make sure that was the case and that I didn’t need to post any additional things on the forums for that to happen.
Added complaint-pending, staff-complaint
This will be considered a formal admin complaint against Repo. Please indicate whether you wish the complaint to be public or private after it has been processed.
Considering in game his actions went from zero to one hundred with no regard for game rules or space law and there where witnesses to him attempting to make someone unrecoverable for what at best is a case of disturbance, I feel that it’s probably best people see there is accountability for a stance where they provide maximum, unjust punishment over hurt feelings regardless of in game or out of game rules.
I believe if a regular player did what was done here they would be banned or role banned no questions asked, considering the security officer in question is not only in charge of people in game he is also in charge of their ability to play the game in general I feel it begs the question where else does he go zero to one hundred in? Has he done this behavior before? He legitimately did not say anything other than telling me I’m going for a spacewalk, so it seems to me it’s likely not the first time.
After reviewing this complaint among others, Repo has been removed from the admin team, that being said this complaint will be finished soon, would you like this to be public?
For transparency, here is a full transcript of the ahelp you had:
00:16:39 Graky: well yeah, after sec agreed he was being an ass he was demoted + jailed and insta suicided and dc, i suggest you ban or role ban him from sec
00:27:12 Graky: Bites-His-Tail doing the same shit to HOP this round just being an asshole in general
00:54:18 Graky: Jim Grimwood also claimed he would ban me if he wasn’t playing, so if he is admin i really don’t know what the fuck is going on, i have screenshot proof if you want it
00:55:47 Repo: I would have banned you if i was not playing.
00:56:21 Graky: so you play and space people cause you get insulted
00:56:31 Graky: no wonder admins leaving your team
00:56:35 Graky: you sound like a child
00:56:46 Repo: I see you want to abuse the aHelp
00:57:11 Repo: And you self antagd last round then were being an dick after you were just asked what was going on
00:57:24 Repo: and you were not insulting you were using sexual content
00:57:28 Graky: bullshit
00:57:38 Graky: if eat a dick is sexaul content so is fuck you
00:57:45 Graky: youre just reaching for a reason
00:58:55 Graky: it’s actually unbelievable you are admin by the way
01:00:32 Repo: You sound like a delight. Im not going to int.ervene in the round i was playing.
01:00:58 Graky: bro, you got insulted as sec then went on a 1 man rampage to round remove me, and crit someone trying to stop you
01:01:05 Graky: then still jailed me for 5m afterwards
01:01:20 Graky: then you suicide and DC when no-one agrees with your shitty stance
01:01:24 Graky: like a pansy
01:01:30 Repo: Nice.
01:02:19 Graky: you talk about self antag
01:02:22 Graky: you self antag as SEC
01:02:24 Graky: as ADMIN
01:03:22 Graky: i lubed a hallway and got 15m then told you to EAD cause you wanted to bother me about it after it was over cause you cant listen to sec comms
01:03:41 Graky: you tried to make me unrevivable for INSULTING YOU
01:04:14 Graky: honestly i’m take it futher if you think you are in the right
01:04:28 Graky: cause you should not be admin if you think what you did was justified
01:10:38 nikthechampiongr: Hello, for a moment I will not take into account insults towards the previous admin. Could you please explain what happened?
01:11:01 Graky: the whole round or just my interaction with your admin
01:11:17 Graky: also are you above the other guy
01:11:19 nikthechampiongr: Anything you deem relevant.
01:11:24 nikthechampiongr: Yes I am the Head Game Admin.
01:11:34 Graky: okay, ill explain everything about the round if you like
01:11:52 Graky: was chem, made meds chems, made lube for fun cause i wanted to try smoke + lubes
01:12:03 Graky: i lubed the hall with hop+sec+bot etc
01:12:20 Graky: sec caught me which is fair enough, i didnt struggle etc
01:12:25 Graky: they attempted to give me 15 mins
01:12:42 Graky: which as far as i know lube should be 5 mins
01:12:46 Graky: murder is 15?
01:13:25 Graky: so I ahelped that HOS, who by the way did similar shit next round trying to arresst HOP for not being at his desk? but this is unrelated
[EN] Wizard’s Den Lizard [US West] (round 72077)
Go to previous embed of this round
01:13:31 Graky: anyway
01:13:47 Graky: i left sec annoyed over being given 15 mins over lube, went back to chems
01:14:14 Graky: sec officer tried to stop me because clearly he did not either listen to sec comms or sec comms are bad idk which
01:14:57 Graky: i told him I had been jailed for it and to eat a dick (not in a sexual way, in the way you would tell someone fuck off, he attempted to suggest i ment it in a sexual way afterwards)
01:15:33 Graky: i left went back to chems, he obviously looked for me around the station, batted me, cuffed and told me hes going to send me for a spacewalk or some such thing
01:15:45 Graky: dragged me to evac and attempted multiple times to space me
01:15:59 Graky: an engineer interviened which he then crit with his pistol
01:16:12 Graky: then he attempted to space me, i ran back in
01:16:28 Graky: teng tried to let me in their area and he followed, then he dragged me to sec
01:16:41 Graky: gave me 5m, after trying to make me unrecoverable for the round over insulting him
01:17:10 Graky: people in sec agreed he completely overstepped anything he shoul be doing as sec, and demoted him and asked for his gun
01:17:26 Graky: as soon as he was jailed he suicides and DCs
01:17:51 Graky: i ahelped cause what can i honestly do vs sec as chem just to find out hes actually admin, he tells me in LOOC that if he wasn’t playing he’d ban me
01:18:21 Graky: he legit self antagged as SEC and as an ADMIN to round remove me
01:18:37 Graky: then no doubt if i didn’t talk about elevating my ahelp this would have been ignored
01:19:45 Graky: but yeah, there was multiple witnesses to all of this
Post-round started
Graky: captain even let me gib his corpse cause he was just being a minge
nikthechampiongr: I will investigate further on the admin side, however there is also an issue with your conduct that I cannot ignore.
Graky: sure
nikthechampiongr: Specifically the insults thrown toward the admin in ahelp, you understand that this is unacceptable correct?
Graky: sorry what insult
Graky: i called him a pansy cause i was angry, sorry
Graky: saying fuck you was explaining that eat a dick isn’t ment sexually just like saying fuck you
Graky: i was just making that clear, not saying fuck you
[EN] Wizard’s Den Lizard [US West] (post-round 72077)
Go to last round’s conversation with this player
nikthechampiongr: I don’t mean the “eat a dick” part, yes that is indeed allowed under our rules as an ic insult.
Graky: but he legit DCed instead of taking ANY repocussions for his actions while i stayed connected while he attempted to space me
nikthechampiongr: I mean stuff like “you sound like a child”, in general you would agree that is quite degrading yes?
Graky: i dont think thats that insulting
Graky: if he is upset i apologise but you have to understand
Graky: the realisation of that happening then the fact that person is admin
Graky: is a pretty jolting experienece
Graky: that whole round in general was pretty frustrating
Round started
00:00:04 Graky: he also called me a dick to be fair
00:00:11 Graky: so i dont think that it was once sided at all
00:02:34 Graky: the fact he would attempt to round remove me over an insult in the first place is quite child like imho
00:03:05 nikthechampiongr: My man, I just brought this up to you because it is very insulting coupled with other things you said in the ahelp and you are doubling down on it.
00:03:27 Graky: im not meaning it to be doubling down
00:03:34 Graky: im not trying to be insulting
00:03:38 Graky: i explaining what happened to you
00:03:51 Graky: and if i was insulting at all its due to frustration
00:06:14 Graky: i said 2 things, and i apologize about saying that to an admin if that helps, if i didn’t know the admin was the person that just unfairly treated me in the game it wouldnt have actually happened like that
00:06:27 Graky:
00:07:15 nikthechampiongr: Very well, I will defer judgement for a moment while I review the replay to see everything that happened. Keep in mind that our policy is very clear that insults thrown towards staff will result in an indefinite ban.
00:07:39 Graky: if he did not make it known he was staff i wouldnt have said anything that would have been deemed insulting
00:07:51 Graky: he legit threatened about banning me in LOOC then he took my ahelp ticket
00:08:22 Graky: who are you on disc i can provide a screenshot
00:08:57 nikthechampiongr: We have access to all relevant ahelp logs.
00:09:05 Graky: it was in game
00:09:15 nikthechampiongr: We also have logs of everything said in game
00:09:18 Graky: okay
00:10:21 Graky: anything said in game i wasnt saying to “an admin” i was saying to a person trying to space me over being told to EAD
00:22:53 nikthechampiongr: Alright so, I’ve basically gone through and reviewed all the chat logs involved here. There is a specific issue here with throwing constant insults in looc, and threatening to ahelp. But yes, you telling them to “eat a dick” does not fall under sexual content.
00:23:12 Graky: look i apologize
00:23:17 Graky: i didnt know he was admin
00:23:23 Graky: and trying to space someone as sec
00:23:31 Graky: it’s pretty demented
00:23:40 nikthechampiongr: The problem is that the same insults and use of looc would get you banned regardless on if the other person was an admin or not.
00:23:46 Graky: sigh
00:23:51 Graky: so
[EN] Wizard’s Den Lizard [US West] (round 72080)
Overall findings:
- The complainant engaged in self antag activity by lubing the entire front of security, and hop. Severely impairing the station without any reasonable cause.
- The complainant was arrested for 15 minutes.
- Repo latejoined as a Security Officer. Upon arriving, he began searching for the complainant in order to arrest them unaware that they were already punished by security.
- Upon finding the complainant, the complainant told Repo to “eat a dick”. This is an insult that falls under an exemption to our sexual content rules. Specifically quoting the rules: “Slight leeway is given to insults, but this rule is otherwise strictly enforced.”
- Upon being insulted, repo arrested the complainant and started bringing them to an airlock “for a walk”. This is not a reasonable response for a security officer, and violation of space law which security officers are required to follow.
- It should be noted that in the way the complainant was abusing looc.
- On the way, an engineer attempted to stop Repo from bringing the complainant out on a “space walk”. The engineer is shot to crit by Repo after being refusing to follow instructions to not interfere.
- After, repo brings the complainant to a cell. The complainant continues to misuse looc. Repo says that he would have banned the complainant were he not playing.
- In a later round, the complainant ahelps repo’s behavior. Repo responds stating that the complainant is abusing ahelp as well as stating that “I would have banned you if i was not playing.”. This is violation of admin policy 2.1. as well as being extremely unprofessional and antagonistic towards the complainant. While repo did not “process” the ahelp in the sense that he did not conclude it, his messages were improper and intervened on a report about himself.
- Repo proceeds to forward the case to an admin channel after which I took over.
- Repo was contacted about the complaint, he denied his conduct was improper.
- I disagree with Repo’s argument and find his conduct in violation of admin policy
- This in conjunction with other complaints led to Repo’s removal from the admin team. He will be able to reapply in the future.
- The ban that was placed on the complainant will not be affected by the outcome of this complaint. Its outcome will be determined by the active appeal.
Added complaint-accepted, privacy-public and removed complaint-pending
The previous message was edited to indicate in a clearer way the outcome of the complaint.
I don’t know that this being made public now helps my appeal at all considering it’s decided by admins and my complaint aided in one being demoted.
You also made my appeal directly link here so saying they are not affected by each other seems a tad moot.
It can be made private again if you wish but it is a bit late to have effect. I did not make your appeal link here. Discourse automatically resolves links to other threads and makes them backlinks.
I don’t think there’s much point now, no.
Closing This topic