I really like the new changes, but I have a question regarding the usage of LOOC.
Does this mean that LOOC is restricted strictly to teaching scenarios where IC teaching isn’t possible (and emergencies, of course)? I ask because I enjoy using LOOC occasionally to chat about non-game-related topics with others, and I’m curious if this falls within the acceptable use of LOOC.
Generally using LOOC for topics outside of the game is considered missusing LOOC. You can discuss things like that arent related to the game elsewhere like Discord or the forums. However, it’s not a severe issue or something that we have the capacity to crack down on. We want LOOC to specifically be used for instruction when nothing else is possible, like the default push action key combo.
I think these are all good changes. I look forward to seeing them tested.
Edit after reading again, i think that the changes to looc might be a “bit” too much? i personally think its ok to use that chat for more than JUST teaching. Obviously still regulate it, but i dont think we should be too strict on it either.
Figuring out a way to explain things IC that you would normally say through LOOC should be encouraged. I’ve seen people use LOOC much more frequently nowadays, and it’s mostly used in an unnecessary way.
For instance: Instead of saying “Press G to bring up the building menu” in LOOC just could say; “Flex your G muscle and think about building” IC, or “Use WASD, Q and E to drive the shuttle” say something like; “Press the WASD buttons on the console”.
Even if my examples aren’t the best, the idea is to keep most of the communication IC, and thus allowing for more RP and immersion.
I think that the standard of roleplay regarding antagonist contraband should be the same on MRP as it is on LRP. Crew possessing antag contraband isn’t inherently detrimental to the MRP experience, and I’ve had plenty of scenarios where it can lead to fun situations.
I was witness to this and he wasn’t hunted down, he bombed HoP in front of half a dozen people and immediately got downed by two salvagers who were part of the crowd.
I would like a couple clarifications as well.
As a nonantagonist, when coming into contact with antagonists (or antagonistic bahaviors), do not aid with the antagonistic behavior. Report them to security whenever possible, and do not actively hunt antagonists unless security is completely unable to on their own (examples include but are not limited to: WarOps, a large percentage of security is dead, etc)
Does this allow for self-preservation or should I be calling out a ninja with my dying breath instead of handing over my ID card?
As a nonantagonist, when coming into contact with antagonist contraband, you are expected to return them to security if at all possible.
Does ‘antagonist contraband’ mean specifically syndicate contra or just anything marked as contra/restricted? Are there plans to adjust the the legality of syndicate scarves and hats or is NT that jealous that the syndicate had better style than them?
Lately it’s felt like Security has mostly just been stunning and cuffing people instead of interacting with people regardless of alert level. The server rules list those as the third or fourth stage of escalation. Should we be ahelping them every time that happens?
If you happen upon some antagonist doing antagonistic things in your regular tasks, then that’s how it rolls and act accordingly. Self-preservation is acceptable. If they say “Your ID or your life” you can yeet your ID across the room and book it, for sure. The main thing is you shouldn’t say, as a bartender going and searching for a maints mosin and prowling for antagonists to take out instead of mixing drinks for the thirsty (as an example). Similarly, if you are the bartender and an antagonist comes into the bar and slips you a paper that says “Mix this drink and give it to the HoP” you should try to find a way to avoid doing that instead of blindly agreeing because “Hey, a chance to be a killer yay!” (unless, of course, you are also an antagonist).
In the overall context, both. This is more a clarification of the In-Character expectations to make it more definitive what is a rulebreak versus what should be handled in-character. If you use contraband, you are accepting all the consequences along with holding it, per Space Law. This can vary based on what that contraband is.
While the idea of looking at what is/isnt contraband, or to what degree, has been brought up, there are currently no concrete plans to adjust it at this time. However, as I mentioned previously, we are open to player feedback on how the systems may be adjusted.
If you are experiencing an interaction where sec is just smacking around people with minimal actual RP, on the medium roleplay server, and basically skipping the escalation rules - yes, you can most definitely AHelp them.
Shuttle bombing would be less awful if it was possible to repair the shuttle, and if the shuttle actually had enough air in reserve to refill after it was spaced. Personally I don’t mind it happening occasionally, but I given the alternative seems to be a shuttle bombing every shift I’m in favour of banning it.
The answer to this should be obvious. You should not be round removing anyone unless your objective requires you to. If you are doing so to assist another antag, you assume full responsibility for going beyond your own objectives should they be going beyond theirs. One antagonists’ DAGD does not give you permission to perform your own.
You can do this, but I strongly want to remind people that Syndicate Agents are SOLO antagonists. If you have a logical reason to RR someone with mutual benefits between 2 agents, go for it. Otherwise we specifically have NLR in place to stop unnecessary round removal on Salamander.
As a suggestion, I recommend charging the other antagonist in equipment or telecrystals that will be useful to you. Given that you are solo, it’s better to have evidence that you got something out of the deal, both to make your remaining objectives easier, and as a defense if questioned. Plus, any contra they give you is one less thing sec can find on them. It’s a win win, and you get to roleplay an extortionist.
I mean wouldn’t having a future ally always be of help? I see it as a win because if I do get caught then they would possibly help me escape or something.