Riles320 - 5dGB Station Sabotage Escalation Deconstructing Substations and cutting wires for medical as nonantag because CMO took a Soda Dispenser and Cigarette machine from maints bar. Arguing in help about it

Username: Riles320

Ban reason: 5dGB Station Sabotage Escalation Deconstructing Substations and cutting wires for medical as nonantag because CMO took a Soda Dispenser and Cigarette machine from maints bar. Arguing in help about it.
Length of ban: 5 days
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh

Vote Opt-Out: true

Events leading to the ban

The CMO on shift had come into a room I was refurbishing to use, and proceeded to unanchor and bring all the machines inside to their office, I felt this was extra unreasonable as they didnt have the access for the machines and they would essentially be decorations. After pleading to not take them and failing I had begun trying to cut power to their office over the round out of frustration (snipping wires and power machines to their office) trying to use the chaos to break in and get the machines back. I also believe that for some of that time some of the stuff the rogue ai was doing may have been blamed on me as further sabotage but I’m not sure. Afterwords in conversation with the admin I had been told to see security about it, I told them that was very unreasonable for a lrp official server and would almost certainly lead to no one answering me or would somehow lead to me being abused by security.

Reason the ban should be removed

There are a couple problems I have with the ban, the first being that it seems quite long for a first time ban for sabotage to, at most, one department on the station (having a reason doesnt make it right but for what it’s worth I’m not just blowing stuff up for fun and laughing about it). Another reason which is more personal and probably more subjective, is that I feel the wording of the ban to be overly dramatic and sort of belittling of the issues I was having (weather deliberate or not the wording for the ban leaves out several things the CMO took and also makes it seem like if the machines were more important in their eyes it would have been okay). I did say when I was told to talk to security about it that the suggestion was very unrealistic (especially for a lrp server) because this situation is one I have experienced plenty and any attempt to remedy it in-game and in-character usually gets you further abused and ruins your round more. I used no strong language or hateful tone and while I dont know how much time an argument would even add to the ban I feel like even calling it an argument is a little disingenuous especially when sited as a ban reason. In short I basically came to a boiling point for people not trying in the slightest to be reasonable and in retaliation broke some rules, I feel the punishment to be far too severe especially for a first time and especially considering it applies to most of the servers that even have people playing on them. I normally would hang out elsewhere until I’m allowed back but I play a lot of this game and its basically all on wizden servers and I dont know what standards the mods have for ban times but week seems little out of hand, at least to me.

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Processing with trialmin

I’m helping a trialmin process this appeal, here’s a question from them:

Do you remember what kind of machines were stolen?

The trialmin has decided to close this appeal:

Because your ban has already expired we will close this appeal

Added appeal-rejected and removed appeal-pending

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