Rokudara - You, or another user of this computer or connection, are banned from playing here. The ban reason is: "ERP : playing thruth or dare in bar with some very adult roleplay about kissing"

Username: rokudara

Ban reason: You, or another user of this computer or connection, are banned from playing here. The ban reason is: "ERP : playing thruth or dare in bar with some very adult roleplay about kissing"
Length of ban: Indefinite
Ban Issue:
I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh

Events leading to the ban

Okay, so, it seems I was banned for ERP, which I do not really thing is the appropriate reason. I never really made an explicit erotica content or anything alike. The only thing I saw was the reason is because I typed “@blushes heavily and kisses her softly on the cheek” and that was it. The only part I think I could’ve been banned for was under rule 1.4 “Dedicating significant portions of rounds to romantic relationships, dating, or similar things.” as when I was emoting that text as I mention earlier, I neglected my duties as atmos tech because I was chatting with my friends in the bar about various topics.

I later proposed the game truth or dare just to pass the time and because we had fun and I didn’t find having to work under millions of CEs particularly fun.

Reason the ban should be removed

If this ban is not appealed, I just would like a detailed description as to what the actually reason is.

I am not trying to downplay the act if it truly did violate the rules that badly, I am just wondering why I was banned and other who I have seen do more not. I know this rule is a zero tolerance one, but I do not think that what we did is actually breaking the rule as it is stated that sexual content, especially jsut a kiss on the cheek. In most normal circles (as I know it) it is considered Neutral context, often viewed as a form of affection or greeting.

I just find the permanent ban unreasonably harsh and should’ve been a temporary one. But, since I am not an admin unlike you, I do not know the rules as by heart as you. Thank you for reading this far.

Alternate Accounts

Reviewing this and going to release the ban. We don’t want any form of what can be construed as ERP on our servers. The reason behind the ban is due to zero tolerance on ERP.

Added appeal-accepted and removed appeal-pending

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