The recent update Wizard’s Den server rules provided a list of role types that every character in a round is meant to fit into. These roles determine how the rules apply to players controlling those characters.
A PR was recently merged to attempt to make it clear which of those roles applies for every ghost role by making the role appear highlighted in the ghost role’s rules popup. The PR itself is linked below for those interested:
← TsjipTsjip:ghostrole-role-types
opened 09:09AM - 20 Jun 24 UTC
cc: @Chief-Engineer
## About the PR
Ghost role rule boxes now have thei… r role type listed as defined in the new rules:
I was given the following instructions by @Chief-Engineer , anything else is my own decision and needs additional review from an actual WizDen admin:
- **Free agents:** Skeletons, mice, rat kings
- **Familiars:** Remilia, Cerberus, holoparasites
- **Non-antags:** All pets, borgs that do not support laws (cleanbots, supplybots, mimebots, honkbots, jonkbots, ...)
- **Team antags:** Most hostile mobs (teamed with themselves), nukeops (teamed with other nukeops, reinforcements)
- **Solo antags:** Ninja
- **Silicons:** MMI (interpreted by me as posibrain, cause MMI does not ghostrole)
For familiar-like antagonists (syndie reinforcement teleporters, ...), I have chosen to use Team Antagonist teamed with the summoner.
## Why / Balance
Clarity on the rules and expectations for problematic ghostroles. Swept up all ghostroles in the process.
## Media
PRs which make ingame changes (adding clothing, items, new features, etc) are required to have media attached that showcase the changes.
Small fixes/refactors are exempt.
Any media may be used in SS14 progress reports, with clear credit given.
If you're unsure whether your PR will require media, ask a maintainer.
Check the box below to confirm that you have in fact seen this (put an X in the brackets, like [X]):
- [x] I have added screenshots/videos to this PR showcasing its changes ingame, **or** this PR does not require an ingame showcase
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Regular slime:</summary>
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Smile the slime:</summary>
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Regular monkey:</summary>
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Regular kobold:</summary>
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Disaster victim:</summary>
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Lost cargonians:</summary>
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Traveling chefs:</summary>
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Traveling clowns:</summary>
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Syndicate disaster victim:</summary>
<img src="" />
**Solo antagonists:**
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Space Ninja:</summary>
<img src="" />
**Team antagonists:**
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Angry slime:</summary>
<img src="" />
<details><summary>All ghostrole xenos:</summary>
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Space dragon:</summary>
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Space dragon (dungeon variant):</summary>
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Nuclear operatives:</summary>
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Syndiemonkey and syndiekobold:</summary>
<img src="" />
**Free agents:**
Wording has changed as opposed to what is shown in the screenshots to: `You are not protected by Space Law, and you do not have to be bound by it if you so choose.`
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Rat king:</summary>
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Skeleton pirate:</summary>
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Skeleton biker:</summary>
<img src="" />
<details><summary>Closet skeleton:</summary>
<img src="" />
Sentient Artifact: Free agent, could not be bothered to science my way to a actual sentient artifact for screenshot.
Honkbot, jonkbot and mimebot: Free agents after review, did not get the chance to screenshot these rules yet.
**Familiars:** (Color is now cornflowerblue)
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
<details><summary>All pAI devices including syndicate variant:</summary>
<img src="" />
**Silicons:** (Color is now cornflowerblue)
<img src="" />
<img src="" />
**Special attention cases:**
All ERT roles and CBURN roles have nonantagonist rules.
Deathsquad is defined as a familiar to their commanding officer, always an admin, who will give them orders. This is.... unexpected but works perfectly as far as permission/prohibition by role type goes for this role.
## Breaking changes
List any breaking changes, including namespace, public class/method/field changes, prototype renames; and provide instructions for fixing them. This will be pasted in #codebase-changes.
Downstream repositories should be informed that all ghostroles now have a term linked to them which may not be present in their rules. Apart from team antagonists, for which specific loclines are given for each team antag role, this is only one locline to change per role type.
Make players aware of new features and changes that could affect how they play the game by adding a Changelog entry. Please read the Changelog guidelines located at:
Make sure to take this Changelog template out of the comment block in order for it to show up.
- add: Added fun!
- remove: Removed fun!
- tweak: Changed fun!
- fix: Fixed fun!
:cl: Chief_Engineer and TsjipTsjip
- tweak: All ghostroles now have their role type, as defined in the rules, defined in their ghostrole request box.
Thank you to everyone who has given feedback on the new rules, pointed out issues, PRed improvements to how the game communicates rules, and everyone who is currently working on improvements. Members of the admin team are still looking at parts of the rules to see if they can be improved, and there are several things that I’m still planning on fixing in the near future.