Roleplay etiquette surrounding murder

I rolled Solo Antagonist in an earlier round and was tasked with killing two other Syndicate Agents. One of them seemed to have really elaborate plans set up and seemed (reasonably) pretty upset at me in the postgame OOC chat after I killed them.

I feel like I should have roleplayed the entire situation a lot better. I pretty much just backstabbed them without saying anything. I feel bad about messing up their plans, but I still had my objectives to complete, and one way or another they needed to die.

What do I do in another situation like this? When is it appropriate to gib your victims?


whenever you feel ready for them to die. it was bad luck you got them. but it was their bad planning that let you kill them. twice the pride double the fall.


Well it was pretty on par. you can do certain types of roleplay.
1.Stone cold killer(what you played out i think)
2.Dramatic betrayal(let his plans go out. Shot in the back, blowup c4 in his backpack, make them sleepy, remove everything and wall them off in 1x1 space tied to a chair)
3.Ghost assassin(Make them die without realization they are dead, injections, rads etc)

Experience not from wiz but from server with surgery. I actually helped sindie to remove tracker via surgery but i did implant some gift in the end. When we were leaving i said: “My mission was actually to kill you. He he he”. Guy did a laugh emote. I hug him. He steps forward and i press button.

The other time i was killed by a sindie who gave me a cig. Which have something that did slow cellular damage. It actually worked, well almost. Some RD guy transplanted my brain into PunPun. And so i become PunPun .

But you did nothing wrong. You game was valid. They are just mad that game about all plans going up in flames(which is what ss13, ss14 is), did what its do.

When the objective says murder, you can murder. There is no real way you can do it wrong (unless you break a different rule while you do so ofc).

Dying and loosing your plans for a round does suck. But it is just how the game was built. No one gets special treatment just because they put more effort into the round.

They should know this already. And accepted the risks when they lowered their guard around you (You are SOLO, there are no expectations of loyalty).

Personally i would probably have let them have a bit of fun beforehand, but that is just me, and it also depends on how good the opportunity for the kill was.

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