Round start artifacts are too dangerous

you need to make it so artifacts don’t start the round immediately producing rads. i got round removed within 2 minutes because an artifact was producing rads without me even knowing.

They are a danger for a reason. Always have your geiger counter ready and oxygen in internals when doing science, especially artifacts. Though now that sci can’t put large O2/N2 on their back I reckon its annoying as hell and you might want to carry 2+ to avoid perma dying to some of nasty deathfoams out there.

I know the rad suits are ugly but they are in sci for this kind of situations

Also maintainters really want sci to be permadead to rads as Toxin healing got removed from works-on-dead medicines so permakilling with poison is possible… then decided softpermakill on poison is better and Necrozol is fine that way, still screw scientists though so only rads/genetic are true perma if you do not get cloning and even then genetic can deny you cloning if severe enough.

no. i meant i got round removed with in 2-3 minutes from round START. and it was a hand held artifact that somebody dropped off in science. i didn’t even have a chance to check if it was making radiation. so i had no way to even know

Always assume artifact is dangerous unless proven otherwise by research notes, dying or at very least getting hurt to artifact you are holding via rads is simply one of many lessons you usually learn the hard way in sci, which again sucks for intern roles as they are clueless and medical won’t be able to save them from permadeath.

One of reasons you might want to have scisec in your department to check on the boys from time to time and make sure they are not doing something stupid like bonking artifact with physical trauma completely ignoring the energy release/environmental disruption part which results in permadeath minute or two later.

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Agreed, this situation happened because of 2 mistakes

  • the person who gave away the arti didn’t warn sci (also how did that guy not die to the rads?).

  • the op underestimated how ass can arti rng be sometimes, i wouldn’t have been surprised if that arti created a singu/tesla the second it was dropped on the floor.

I’m also pretty sure that you are able to see if you are getting irradiated by looking at your health and watching it tick down.

Added space-station-14

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