Subject: Ryan Strudfelt
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Detailed Summary: I made a character with orange hair about 4 months ago with the goal of it being a clown character. Its name was doinko robusto the third and ive never recieved a complaint about it. It became my main character soon after being made, and I began to use it for almost every role. No admin has ever complained about it, however today Ryan A helped me saying it went against the rules and was a clown name. When I asked him to discuss it with other admins he denied it, and he simply said I was going to recieve a ban for continued use of the name.
This was unfair as Ive used the name for several months now and use the character as my main. He also denied my request to have it discussed with other admins which I thought was fair considering how no other admin up to this point has taken issue with it. I understand the name was indeed a clown name, but for that reason I typically use the character to play passenger, engineer, janitor, or clown. Because of this the request to change the name was unjustified and I should be allowed to keep the name considering I almost never use it for any other role.
Hello, I am sorry to get to you 2 months later. The previous headmin team was severely backlogged on complaints and I am only now beginning to go through all the old ones.
Ryanstrudfelt left the admin team on the 17th of October. As such we are unable to take any actions against them as they are no longer staff.
In the case that Ryanstrudfelt attempts to rejoin the Admin team, or otherwise become a staff member of the Project again this complaint will be taken into consideration before a decision on whether to allow them to rejoin is made.
I will look into whether the name is appropriate or not.
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I ran the name through the admin team. Current admin consensus is that the name would be acceptable. It is preferred that the name instead use Roman numerals. The name part of the note will be removed.
It should be noted that names rules are a very subjective area, and get enforced only when noticed due to their low priority.
It should be noted that admin interpretations of the rules inside the game are final, please do not try to continue going against an admin’s interpretation of the rules or threatening to do so in ahelp. Such issues should be handled in a complaint. That part of the note is appropriate and will remain.
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